NHS disregards patient requests to opt out of sharing medical records | Society | The Guardian

Public Service Internet
Police will have 'backdoor' access to health records despite opt-out, says MP | Society | The Guardian
New York woman visited by police after researching pressure cookers online | US news | The Guardian
Samsung rejects concern over 'Orwellian' privacy policy | Technology | The Guardian
BBC News - Is your toaster a silent recruit in a 'thingbot' army?
BBC News - What price for free wi-fi?
IBM’s Watson Helps CogniToy’s Educational Toy Talk Like a Buddy | Re/code
BBC News - Barbie doll will be internet connected to chat to kids
Samsung smart TVs send unencrypted voice recognition data across internet | Technology | The Guardian
Will Our Fitness Data Be Used Against Us? | Design and Tech | OutsideOnline.com
NSA-proof passwords - Boing Boing
Facebook 'tracks all visitors, breaching EU law' | Technology | The Guardian
Your smart TV is listening to you and hackers might be, too
Karen | Blast Theory
Volvo says horrible 'self-parking car accident' happened because driver didn't have 'pedestrian detection' | Fusion
Who Owns the Web of Data? | Jeni Tennison
FIDO Alliance
Mark Zuckerberg, Let Me Pay for Facebook - NYTimes.com
Datacoup - Reclaim your personal data
BBC - iWonder - When did the state start to spy on us?
When Big Data becomes Big Brother - BBC News
Hackers Remotely Kill a Jeep on the Highway—With Me in It | WIRED
'10-second' theoretical hack could jog Fitbits into malware-spreading mode • The Register
Concerned about identity cloning? There’s nobody to call
Critical IoT Reading List — Thingclash
Europe Finally Agrees Tough New Data Protection Rules | TechCrunch
Are your devices always listening to you? Psychtech podcast
Scientists Are Just as Confused About the Ethics of Big-Data Research as You | WIRED
Dropbox's Infinite feature needs deeper access to your computer
Connected Toys Are Raising Complicated New Privacy Questions