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Public Service Internet
'Overnight, everything I loved was gone': the internet shaming of Lindsey Stone | Technology | The Guardian
Surveillance-based manipulation: How Facebook or Google could tilt elections | Ars Technica
Everything We Know About Facebook's Secret Mood Manipulation Experiment - The Atlantic
Personalised marketing at scale is the next big thing in digital | Media Network | The Guardian
To Read All Of The Privacy Policies You Encounter, You'd Need To Take A Month Off From Work Each Year | Techdirt
Class action lawsuit alleges Fitbit misled buyers
Apple chief Tim Cook criticises Google and Facebook over privacy | Technology | The Guardian
Respect Network | A Web-of-Trust Network
Sony's Robotic Dogs Are Dying A Slow And Heartbreaking Death
A Robotic Dog’s Mortality - The New York Times
Immersive journalism: The future of reporting or an ethical minefield? | Alphr
Not OK, Google: Chromium voice extension pulled after spying concerns | Ars Technica
Russian billboard advertising contraband hides when it recognises cops | Naked Security
Smart Billboards Recognize Cops - Schneier on Security
You can drive, you just can’t have any fun: Ford MyKey curbs teen drivers | TechHive
Amazon Web Services goes down, taking Netflix, Reddit, Pocket and more with it
Programmatic Beyond Advertising: A Not-So-Distant Future | CMF Trends
Brain's activity map makes stable 'fingerprint'
TalkTalk hacking crisis deepens as more details emerge | Business | The Guardian
About the project | Charting the Digital Lifespan
Ads Surreptitiously Using Sound to Communicate Across Devices - Schneier on Security
The Lingering Mess from Default Insecurity - Krebs on Security
Kevin Kelly on Lifelogging and the Quantified Self
Algorithm writers need a code of conduct | Comment is free | The Guardian
Even Barbie Can Be Hacked
How Advertisers Use Internet Cookies to Track You
Will you tell Starbucks your name? - BBC News