poka pi toki pona, sitelen
sitelen pi linja mute ala
nasin sitelen sin pi toki pona. : tokipona
uta, sitelen
brahmic script
sitan, sitelen
vertical, sitelen
pakala, sitelen
“I wonder if anyone would make a 5x7 version. That’d allow it to be displayed on low-end LCD easily (like the 1602 and 12864 ones)” Well, here it is! :D : tokipona
ante, sitelen
nimi ale pona (2nd ed.) - Google Drive
mi pali e nasin linja sin pi sitelen pona. nimi ona li linja suwi. / my new sitelen pona font project, called linja suwi. : tokipona
linja wan, sitelen
An attempt to make another sitelen pona font, it's called linja ante : tokipona
i just started learning toki pona, and decided to make a custom font to help familiarize myself with the words. each word fits in a 8x12 box, including at least a 1px margin at the bottom and right side. : tokipona
sitelen pona pi poka lili mute! : tokipona
musi, sitelen
A while ago I started to code a little game for the TIC-80 fantasy console in toki pona. This project is currently paused, but I thought I'd share the pixel font I made for it! : tokipona
luka leko, sitelen
kasi linja, sitelen
lemon, sitelen
palisa ilo, sitelen
sike, sitelen
suwi ko, sitelen
ko, sitelen
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