Dan's Interesting Design Links

Dan's Interesting Design Links

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Surviving Design Systems
Surviving Design Systems
Keeping yourself and a Design System alive long-term with effective maintenance and some fresh motivation.
Surviving Design Systems
Salary.design - Open Database of Design Salaries
Salary.design - Open Database of Design Salaries
Explore the open database of design salaries. Promoting transparency and pay equity among design professionals globally, across industries and experience levels
Salary.design - Open Database of Design Salaries
Data Driven Design Systems in Practice
Data Driven Design Systems in Practice
We interviewed 10+ design systems teams to understand how they track success and here's what we found.
Data Driven Design Systems in Practice
LukeW | Dropdowns Should be the UI of Last Resort
LukeW | Dropdowns Should be the UI of Last Resort
LukeW Ideation + Design provides resources for mobile and Web product design and strategy including presentations, workshops, articles, books and more on usability, interaction design and visual design.
LukeW | Dropdowns Should be the UI of Last Resort
My icon design workflow
My icon design workflow
Here’s some tips for creating icons — anything from a single colour pictogram to a highly detailed app icon.
My icon design workflow
Functional Animation In UX Design
Functional Animation In UX Design
**Editor’s Note**: _This article contains many video examples that show functional animation. Therefore, it may take longer to load on slow connections._ A good UX designer can easily explain the logic behind each decision in a [design concept](https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2015/02/27/design-principles-dominance-focal-points-hierarchy/). This includes the [information architecture](https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2014/10/20/improving-information-architecture-card-sorting-beginners-guide/), the [content hierarchy](https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2015/02/27/design-principles-dominance-fo...
Functional Animation In UX Design
LukeW | 455 Web strategy & design articles tagged Mobile
LukeW | 455 Web strategy & design articles tagged Mobile
LukeW Ideation + Design provides resources for mobile and Web product design and strategy including presentations, workshops, articles, books and more on usability, interaction design and visual design.
LukeW | 455 Web strategy & design articles tagged Mobile
Introducing Origami Live and Origami 2.0
Introducing Origami Live and Origami 2.0
Just over a year ago, we released Origami — a free tool for designing interactive user interfaces. We’ve used it here at Facebook to design…
Introducing Origami Live and Origami 2.0
Designers: Start Coding With uilang
Designers: Start Coding With uilang
**Editor's Note**: _Designers could learn how to code, and developers could learn how to design. Sometimes it might not be an option. In this article, the author makes a suggestion to designers without coding skills on how to start crafting code. You might want to take the suggested tool with a grain of salt (or not) but the idea might be worth looking into._ Designers have widely adopted HTML and CSS for a while now. They usually feel comfortable enough to implement their own designs, at least in a static form. However, they’re often intimidated by JavaScript — and rightly so! HTML and CSS...
Designers: Start Coding With uilang
Learn how I do it
Learn how I do it
People always ask us how we make our GIFs, so we figured it was time to spill the beans.
Learn how I do it
The Core Model: Designing Inside Out for Better Results
The Core Model: Designing Inside Out for Better Results
We’ve all fallen into territorial arguments about what content belongs on a site’s homepage. It’s the most important part of your website, after all—or is it? Ida Aalen shows us how to circumvent t…
The Core Model: Designing Inside Out for Better Results
Designer's guide to DPI
Designer's guide to DPI
A guide to multi-DPI and platform design
Designer's guide to DPI
The $PATH to Enlightenment
The $PATH to Enlightenment
Web designers and developers are often scared of using the command line, but we don’t need to be. It’s actually a simple—and useful—set of tools that can speed up your work and improve your life. O…
The $PATH to Enlightenment
Typ.io: Fonts that go together
Typ.io: Fonts that go together
Here at Typ.io, we're revealing designers' decisions for all to see; peeking under the hood of beautiful websites to find out what fonts they're using and how they're using them. We want to know what font goes with what.
Typ.io: Fonts that go together
If you design apps and wondering how iPhone 6 / 6 Plus affect the workflow,
If you design apps and wondering how iPhone 6 / 6 Plus affect the workflow,
Here it is — my complete iOS, Android and Mac app design workflow, starting from the first time you open Photoshop, to the app release and beyond. Now seemed like a good time to document how I’ve been working, because my workflow is about to drastically change again, with the release of Skala.
If you design apps and wondering how iPhone 6 / 6 Plus affect the workflow,
15 Cool iOS 8 Design Concepts You Should See
15 Cool iOS 8 Design Concepts You Should See
While waiting for release of new iOS on 17th of September, some creatives have taken the liberty to create their own iOS 8 design concepts. Here are 15 really cool iOS 8 design concepts you should see.
15 Cool iOS 8 Design Concepts You Should See
Transitional Interfaces — Medium
Transitional Interfaces — Medium
Designers love to sweat the details. Much time is spent pixel-fucking buttons, form styles, setting type, & getting those icons as sharp as a tack. A+, great job, don't stop you guys. ...but there's…
Transitional Interfaces — Medium
✩ Take your #Sass mixins to the next ultra-light level of #CSS output. #web
✩ Take your #Sass mixins to the next ultra-light level of #CSS output. #web
You might already be familiar with the DRY principle of writing code: “Don’t Repeat Yourself.” Using Sass is a great way accomplish this, but Sam Richard challenges us to take it a step further tha…
✩ Take your #Sass mixins to the next ultra-light level of #CSS output. #web