Found 340 bookmarks
Transitional Interfaces — Medium
Transitional Interfaces — Medium
Designers love to sweat the details. Much time is spent pixel-fucking buttons, form styles, setting type, & getting those icons as sharp as a tack. A+, great job, don't stop you guys. ...but there's…
Transitional Interfaces — Medium
✩ Take your #Sass mixins to the next ultra-light level of #CSS output. #web
✩ Take your #Sass mixins to the next ultra-light level of #CSS output. #web
You might already be familiar with the DRY principle of writing code: “Don’t Repeat Yourself.” Using Sass is a great way accomplish this, but Sam Richard challenges us to take it a step further tha…
✩ Take your #Sass mixins to the next ultra-light level of #CSS output. #web
The Z-Axis: Designing for the Future
The Z-Axis: Designing for the Future
For years we’ve seen the web as a two-dimensional space filled with pages that sit side by side on a flat, infinite plane. But as the devices we design for take on an increasingly diverse array of …
The Z-Axis: Designing for the Future
An Event Apart: How Designers Destroyed the World
An Event Apart: How Designers Destroyed the World
LukeW Ideation + Design provides resources for mobile and Web product design and strategy including presentations, workshops, articles, books and more on usability, interaction design and visual design.
An Event Apart: How Designers Destroyed the World
Rethinking Responsive SVG
Rethinking Responsive SVG
Responsive SVG icons can be used in a lot of ways. In this article, Ilya Pukhalski digs deeper into Joe Harrison’s [responsive icons]( technique and explores what can be done with SVGs.
Rethinking Responsive SVG
Image lightbox, responsive and touch‑friendly
Image lightbox, responsive and touch‑friendly
I think this is really well done. Most Lightbox overlays are busy and take a while to load, but the demo at the bottom of the page gives you a number of...
Image lightbox, responsive and touch‑friendly
Modern HTML Email
Modern HTML Email
Learn HTML email design with this guide to designing and coding email marketing campaigns.
Modern HTML Email