Dan's design links

Dan's design links

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Typ.io: Fonts that go together
Typ.io: Fonts that go together
Here at Typ.io, we're revealing designers' decisions for all to see; peeking under the hood of beautiful websites to find out what fonts they're using and how they're using them. We want to know what font goes with what.
Typ.io: Fonts that go together
If you design apps and wondering how iPhone 6 / 6 Plus affect the workflow,
If you design apps and wondering how iPhone 6 / 6 Plus affect the workflow,
Here it is — my complete iOS, Android and Mac app design workflow, starting from the first time you open Photoshop, to the app release and beyond. Now seemed like a good time to document how I’ve been working, because my workflow is about to drastically change again, with the release of Skala.
If you design apps and wondering how iPhone 6 / 6 Plus affect the workflow,
15 Cool iOS 8 Design Concepts You Should See
15 Cool iOS 8 Design Concepts You Should See
While waiting for release of new iOS on 17th of September, some creatives have taken the liberty to create their own iOS 8 design concepts. Here are 15 really cool iOS 8 design concepts you should see.
15 Cool iOS 8 Design Concepts You Should See
Transitional Interfaces — Medium
Transitional Interfaces — Medium
Designers love to sweat the details. Much time is spent pixel-fucking buttons, form styles, setting type, & getting those icons as sharp as a tack. A+, great job, don't stop you guys. ...but there's…
Transitional Interfaces — Medium
✩ Take your #Sass mixins to the next ultra-light level of #CSS output. #web
✩ Take your #Sass mixins to the next ultra-light level of #CSS output. #web
You might already be familiar with the DRY principle of writing code: “Don’t Repeat Yourself.” Using Sass is a great way accomplish this, but Sam Richard challenges us to take it a step further tha…
✩ Take your #Sass mixins to the next ultra-light level of #CSS output. #web
The Z-Axis: Designing for the Future
The Z-Axis: Designing for the Future
For years we’ve seen the web as a two-dimensional space filled with pages that sit side by side on a flat, infinite plane. But as the devices we design for take on an increasingly diverse array of …
The Z-Axis: Designing for the Future
An Event Apart: How Designers Destroyed the World
An Event Apart: How Designers Destroyed the World
LukeW Ideation + Design provides resources for mobile and Web product design and strategy including presentations, workshops, articles, books and more on usability, interaction design and visual design.
An Event Apart: How Designers Destroyed the World
Rethinking Responsive SVG
Rethinking Responsive SVG
Responsive SVG icons can be used in a lot of ways. In this article, Ilya Pukhalski digs deeper into Joe Harrison’s [responsive icons](http://responsiveicons.co.uk) technique and explores what can be done with SVGs.
Rethinking Responsive SVG
Image lightbox, responsive and touch‑friendly
Image lightbox, responsive and touch‑friendly
I think this is really well done. Most Lightbox overlays are busy and take a while to load, but the demo at the bottom of the page gives you a number of...
Image lightbox, responsive and touch‑friendly
Modern HTML Email
Modern HTML Email
Learn HTML email design with this guide to designing and coding email marketing campaigns.
Modern HTML Email
The iOS Design Guidelines
The iOS Design Guidelines
Designing iOS apps can be difficult sometimes, but finding correct and up-to-date information about all of Apples’ devices shouldn’t be.
The iOS Design Guidelines
Plugins, Resources and Freebies to Spice up Sketch
Plugins, Resources and Freebies to Spice up Sketch
At Tuts+ we always want to provide useful material to our readers. We listen and we give. And we know that Sketch is a hot topic right now. Recently we published 9 Sketch Features You Should Be...
Plugins, Resources and Freebies to Spice up Sketch
Remembering Daniel Kahneman: 7 theories that can help you understand how you think
Remembering Daniel Kahneman: 7 theories that can help you understand how you think
The world of psychology has recently experienced a profound loss with the passing of Daniel Kahneman, a pioneering figure whose work has reshaped our understanding of the human mind in many ways. In this newsletter, we reflect on some of the ways his contributions can help you understand yourself better.1. AnchoringAlong with his long-time collaborator Amos Tversky, Kahneman developed the concept and demonstrated the effect of anchoring. This is a phenomenon whereby, when we encounter a number e
Remembering Daniel Kahneman: 7 theories that can help you understand how you think
Making SVG Loading Spinners: An Interactive Guide
Making SVG Loading Spinners: An Interactive Guide
Learn to create a cool SVG loading spinner with this step-by-step guide. We'll use attributes like stroke-dasharray and stroke-dashoffset to make it easy.
Making SVG Loading Spinners: An Interactive Guide