#data #abrelatam
OpenGov Voices: Open Data in Latin America: Here to stay : Sunlight Foundat
OpenGov Voices: Open Data in Latin America: Here to stay : Sunlight Foundat
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed by the guest blogger and those providing comments are theirs alone and do not reflect the opinions of the Sunlight Foundation or any employee thereof. Sunlight Foundation is not responsible for the accuracy of any of the information within the guest blog. Fabriz
OpenGov Voices: Open Data in Latin America: Here to stay : Sunlight Foundat
Will Open Data Policies Contribute to Solving Development Challenges? - The
Will Open Data Policies Contribute to Solving Development Challenges? - The
Fabrizio Scrollini at IODC: "As the international open data charter gains momentum in the context of the wider development agenda related to the sustainable development goals set by the United Nations, a pertinent question to ask is: will open data policies contribute to solve development challeng
Will Open Data Policies Contribute to Solving Development Challenges? - The