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Global Microbiome Therapeutics for Clostridium Difficile Infection Market is projected to reach the value of USD 3.75 billion by 2030
Global Microbiome Therapeutics for Clostridium Difficile Infection Market is projected to reach the value of USD 3.75 billion by 2030
According to the report published by Virtue Market Research in Global Microbiome Therapeutics for Clostridium Difficile Infection Market was valued at USD 1 2 billion and is projected to reach a market size of USD 3 75 billion by the ...
Global Microbiome Therapeutics for Clostridium Difficile Infection Market is projected to reach the value of USD 3.75 billion by 2030
Acurx Announces Ibezapolstat Scientific Posters and Presentations at ClostPath 2023 and IDWeek 2023 Scientific Conferences
Acurx Announces Ibezapolstat Scientific Posters and Presentations at ClostPath 2023 and IDWeek 2023 Scientific Conferences
Acurx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. today announced three scientific posters were presented during the 13th International Conference on Molecular Biology and Pathogenesis of Clostridia (ClostPath) held in Banff, Canada from September 19 to 23, 2023.
Acurx Announces Ibezapolstat Scientific Posters and Presentations at ClostPath 2023 and IDWeek 2023 Scientific Conferences
Identification of a 1,2,4-Oxadiazole with Potent and Specific Activity against Clostridioides difficile, the Causative Bacterium of C. difficile Infection, an Urgent Public Health Threat - PubMed
Identification of a 1,2,4-Oxadiazole with Potent and Specific Activity against Clostridioides difficile, the Causative Bacterium of C. difficile Infection, an Urgent Public Health Threat - PubMed
The discovery of compound 57, a new, totally synthetic 1,2,4-oxadiazole antibacterial agent, is described. This oxadiazole displays highly selective, bactericidal killing of Clostridioides (Clostridium) difficile, the bacterium that causes C. difficile infection (CDI) in both ho …
Identification of a 1,2,4-Oxadiazole with Potent and Specific Activity against Clostridioides difficile, the Causative Bacterium of C. difficile Infection, an Urgent Public Health Threat - PubMed
Vedanta Biosciences Presents Progress from Two Defined Bacterial Consortia, VE303 for the Prevention of C. difficile and VE707 for the Prevention of Gram-Negative Infections, at IDWeek 2023
Vedanta Biosciences Presents Progress from Two Defined Bacterial Consortia, VE303 for the Prevention of C. difficile and VE707 for the Prevention of Gram-Negative Infections, at IDWeek 2023
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., October 11, 2023--Vedanta Biosciences, a clinical-stage company that is developing a potential new category of oral therapies based on defined bacterial consortia, today announced the details of two poster presentations at IDWeek 2023, being held virtually and in person in Boston, MA on October 11-15. The analyses cover two defined bacterial consortium candidates and include additional results from the VE303 Phase 2 CONSORTIUM study and an assessment of VE707 for the prevention
Vedanta Biosciences Presents Progress from Two Defined Bacterial Consortia, VE303 for the Prevention of C. difficile and VE707 for the Prevention of Gram-Negative Infections, at IDWeek 2023
Kanvas Biosciences Acquires Federation Bio Assets to Scale the Discovery, Development and Manufacturing of Microbiome-Based Therapeutics
Kanvas Biosciences Acquires Federation Bio Assets to Scale the Discovery, Development and Manufacturing of Microbiome-Based Therapeutics
PRINCETON, N.J., October 11, 2023--Kanvas Biosciences, the leader in microbiome mapping technology, today announced it acquired two active therapeutics programs, a microbial library, and intellectual property from Federation Bio, a manufacturer of live biotherapeutics products (LBPs). This acquisition transitions Kanvas Biosciences from a technology company with a transformative spatial biology platform to a full-stack therapeutics company with active clinical programs and a new cell banking fac
Kanvas Biosciences Acquires Federation Bio Assets to Scale the Discovery, Development and Manufacturing of Microbiome-Based Therapeutics
Acurx Pharmaceuticals Announces Successful Completion and Early Discontinuation of the Ibezapolstat Phase 2b Trial for Treatment of C. difficile Infection | BioSpace
Acurx Pharmaceuticals Announces Successful Completion and Early Discontinuation of the Ibezapolstat Phase 2b Trial for Treatment of C. difficile Infection | BioSpace
Acurx Pharmaceuticals Announces Successful Completion and Early Discontinuation of the Ibezapolstat Phase 2b Trial for Treatment of C. difficile Infection - read this article along with other careers information, tips and advice on BioSpace
Acurx Pharmaceuticals Announces Successful Completion and Early Discontinuation of the Ibezapolstat Phase 2b Trial for Treatment of C. difficile Infection | BioSpace
Identification of Micrococcin P2-Derivatives as Antibiotic Candidates against Two Gram-Positive Pathogens - PubMed
Identification of Micrococcin P2-Derivatives as Antibiotic Candidates against Two Gram-Positive Pathogens - PubMed
Thiopeptides exhibit potent antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive pathogens by inhibiting bacterial protein synthesis. Micrococcins are among the structurally simpler thiopeptides, but they have not been exploited in detail. This research involved a computational simulation of micrococcin P2 …
Identification of Micrococcin P2-Derivatives as Antibiotic Candidates against Two Gram-Positive Pathogens - PubMed
In vivo evaluation of Clostridioides difficile enoyl-ACP reductase II (FabK) Inhibition by phenylimidazole unveils a promising narrow-spectrum antimicrobial strategy - PubMed
In vivo evaluation of Clostridioides difficile enoyl-ACP reductase II (FabK) Inhibition by phenylimidazole unveils a promising narrow-spectrum antimicrobial strategy - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) is a leading cause of hospital-acquired diarrhea, which often stem from disruption of the gut microbiota by broad-spectrum antibiotics. The increasing prevalence of antibiotic-resistant C. difficile strains, combined with disappointing clinical …
In vivo evaluation of Clostridioides difficile enoyl-ACP reductase II (FabK) Inhibition by phenylimidazole unveils a promising narrow-spectrum antimicrobial strategy - PubMed
Isofagomine inhibits multiple TcdB variants and protects mice from Clostridioides difficile induced mortality - PubMed
Isofagomine inhibits multiple TcdB variants and protects mice from Clostridioides difficile induced mortality - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile causes life-threatening diarrhea and is the leading cause of healthcare associated bacterial infections in the United States. During infection, C. difficile releases the gut-damaging toxins, TcdA and TcdB, the primary determinants of disease pathogenesis and ar …
Isofagomine inhibits multiple TcdB variants and protects mice from Clostridioides difficile induced mortality - PubMed
HRMAS 13 C NMR and genome-scale metabolic modeling identify threonine as a preferred dual redox substrate for Clostridioides difficile - PubMed
HRMAS 13 C NMR and genome-scale metabolic modeling identify threonine as a preferred dual redox substrate for Clostridioides difficile - PubMed
Stickland-fermenting Clostridia preferentially ferment amino acids to generate energy and anabolic substrates for growth. In gut ecosystems, these species prefer dual redox substrates, particularly mucin-abundant leucine. Here, we establish how theronine, a more prevalent, mucin-abundant subs …
HRMAS 13 C NMR and genome-scale metabolic modeling identify threonine as a preferred dual redox substrate for Clostridioides difficile - PubMed
Will novel antibiotic become front-line for C. difficile?
Will novel antibiotic become front-line for C. difficile?
Based on positive Phase II data, first-in-class antibiotic candidate ibezapolstat for C. difficile is expected to advance to Phase III sooner.
Will novel antibiotic become front-line for C. difficile?
Mining Autoimmune-Disorder-Linked Molecular-Mimicry Candidates in Clostridioides difficile and Prospects of Mimic-Based Vaccine Design: An In Silico Approach - PubMed
Mining Autoimmune-Disorder-Linked Molecular-Mimicry Candidates in Clostridioides difficile and Prospects of Mimic-Based Vaccine Design: An In Silico Approach - PubMed
Molecular mimicry, a phenomenon in which microbial or environmental antigens resemble host antigens, has been proposed as a potential trigger for autoimmune responses. In this study, we employed a bioinformatics approach to investigate the role of molecular mimicry in Clostridioides difficile …
Mining Autoimmune-Disorder-Linked Molecular-Mimicry Candidates in Clostridioides difficile and Prospects of Mimic-Based Vaccine Design: An In Silico Approach - PubMed
Identification of an Antimicrobial Peptide from the Venom of the Trinidad Thick-Tailed Scorpion Tityus trinitatis with Potent Activity against ESKAPE Pathogens and Clostridioides difficile - PubMed
Identification of an Antimicrobial Peptide from the Venom of the Trinidad Thick-Tailed Scorpion Tityus trinitatis with Potent Activity against ESKAPE Pathogens and Clostridioides difficile - PubMed
Envenomation by the Trinidad thick-tailed scorpion Tityus trinitatis may result in fatal myocarditis and there is a high incidence of acute pancreatitis among survivors. Peptidomic analysis (reversed-phase HPLC followed by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and automated Edman degradation) of T. …
Identification of an Antimicrobial Peptide from the Venom of the Trinidad Thick-Tailed Scorpion Tityus trinitatis with Potent Activity against ESKAPE Pathogens and Clostridioides difficile - PubMed
C. difficile Infection Therapeutic Drug Market Growth Analysis by Size and Share 2023 | Opportunities, Market Dynamics and Forecast to 2030 | with 122 Pages
C. difficile Infection Therapeutic Drug Market Growth Analysis by Size and Share 2023 | Opportunities, Market Dynamics and Forecast to 2030 | with 122 Pages
The research report on the global "C. difficile Infection Therapeutic Drug Market" for 2023 includes an overview of the market, market dynamics, segmentation (by type, application, end user, and region), the most recent
C. difficile Infection Therapeutic Drug Market Growth Analysis by Size and Share 2023 | Opportunities, Market Dynamics and Forecast to 2030 | with 122 Pages
Exploring the inhibitory potential of the antiarrhythmic drug amiodarone against Clostridioides difficile toxins TcdA and TcdB - PubMed
Exploring the inhibitory potential of the antiarrhythmic drug amiodarone against Clostridioides difficile toxins TcdA and TcdB - PubMed
The intestinal pathogen Clostridioides difficile is the leading cause of antibiotic-associated diarrhea and pseudomembranous colitis in humans. The symptoms of C. difficile-associated diseases (CDADs) are directly associated with the pathogen's toxins TcdA and TcdB, which enter host ce …
Exploring the inhibitory potential of the antiarrhythmic drug amiodarone against Clostridioides difficile toxins TcdA and TcdB - PubMed
Clostridium Difficile Infections Market: Analysis of Epidemiology, Pipeline Products, and Key Companies Working in the Market | Companies – Seres Therapeutics, Summit Therapeutics, Rebiotix
Clostridium Difficile Infections Market: Analysis of Epidemiology, Pipeline Products, and Key Companies Working in the Market | Companies – Seres Therapeutics, Summit Therapeutics, Rebiotix
"Clostridium Difficile Infections Market"DelveInsight's "Clostridium Difficile Infections Market Insights, Epidemiology, and Market Forecast-2032" report delivers an in-depth understanding of the Clostridium Difficile
Clostridium Difficile Infections Market: Analysis of Epidemiology, Pipeline Products, and Key Companies Working in the Market | Companies – Seres Therapeutics, Summit Therapeutics, Rebiotix
A fine-tuned yeast surface-display/secretion platform enables the rapid discovery of neutralizing antibodies against Clostridioides difficile toxins - PubMed
A fine-tuned yeast surface-display/secretion platform enables the rapid discovery of neutralizing antibodies against Clostridioides difficile toxins - PubMed
The antibody screening platform described here simplifies the neutralizing antibody discovery procedure and will be an attractive alternative for screening functional antibodies against infectious diseases.
A fine-tuned yeast surface-display/secretion platform enables the rapid discovery of neutralizing antibodies against Clostridioides difficile toxins - PubMed
A Potent and Narrow-Spectrum Antibacterial against Clostridioides difficile Infection - PubMed
A Potent and Narrow-Spectrum Antibacterial against Clostridioides difficile Infection - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile is an anaerobic Gram-positive bacterium that colonizes the gut of patients treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics. The normal gut microflora prevents C. difficile colonization; however, dysbiosis by treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics causes recur …
A Potent and Narrow-Spectrum Antibacterial against Clostridioides difficile Infection - PubMed
Novel, non-colonizing, single-strain live biotherapeutic product ADS024 protects against Clostridioides difficile infection challenge in vivo - PubMed
Novel, non-colonizing, single-strain live biotherapeutic product ADS024 protects against Clostridioides difficile infection challenge in vivo - PubMed
Our findings, demonstrating in vivo efficacy of ADS024 in protecting against CDI challenge in mouse models, support the use of ADS024 in preventing recurrent CDI following standard antibiotic treatment.
Novel, non-colonizing, single-strain live biotherapeutic product ADS024 protects against Clostridioides difficile infection challenge in vivo - PubMed
Novel, non-colonizing, single-strain live biotherapeutic product ADS024 protects against Clostridioides difficile infection challenge in vivo - PubMed
Novel, non-colonizing, single-strain live biotherapeutic product ADS024 protects against Clostridioides difficile infection challenge in vivo - PubMed
Our findings, demonstrating in vivo efficacy of ADS024 in protecting against CDI challenge in mouse models, support the use of ADS024 in preventing recurrent CDI following standard antibiotic treatment.
Novel, non-colonizing, single-strain live biotherapeutic product ADS024 protects against Clostridioides difficile infection challenge in vivo - PubMed
Discovery of 1,2-diaryl-3-oxopyrazolidin-4-carboxamides as a new class of MurA enzyme inhibitors and characterization of their antibacterial activity - PubMed
Discovery of 1,2-diaryl-3-oxopyrazolidin-4-carboxamides as a new class of MurA enzyme inhibitors and characterization of their antibacterial activity - PubMed
The cytoplasmic steps of peptidoglycan synthesis represent an important targeted pathway for development of new antibiotics. Herein, we report the synthesis of novel 3-oxopyrazolidin-4-carboxamide derivatives with variable amide side chains as potential antibacterial agents targeting MurA enzyme, th …
Discovery of 1,2-diaryl-3-oxopyrazolidin-4-carboxamides as a new class of MurA enzyme inhibitors and characterization of their antibacterial activity - PubMed
The design, synthesis, and inhibition of Clostridioides difficile spore germination by acyclic and bicyclic tertiary amide analogs of cholate - PubMed
The design, synthesis, and inhibition of Clostridioides difficile spore germination by acyclic and bicyclic tertiary amide analogs of cholate - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) is a major identifiable cause of antibiotic-associated diarrhea. In our previous study (J. Med. Chem., 2018, 61, 6759-6778), we have identified N-phenyl-cholan-24-amide as a potent inhibitor of spore germination. The most potent compounds in our previous work …
The design, synthesis, and inhibition of Clostridioides difficile spore germination by acyclic and bicyclic tertiary amide analogs of cholate - PubMed