C Diff Drug Stewardship

C Diff Drug Stewardship

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Healthcare costs and mortality associated with serious fluoroquinolone-related adverse reactions
Healthcare costs and mortality associated with serious fluoroquinolone-related adverse reactions
The aim of this study was to estimate healthcare costs and mortality associated with serious fluoroquinolone-related adverse reactions in Finland from 2008 to 2019. Serious adverse reaction types were identified from the Finnish Pharmaceutical Insurance Pool's pharmaceutical injury claims and the Fi …
Healthcare costs and mortality associated with serious fluoroquinolone-related adverse reactions
The effects of avoiding extended antimicrobial drain prophylaxis on Clostridioides difficile and postprocedural infection rates: a 5-year retrospective
The effects of avoiding extended antimicrobial drain prophylaxis on Clostridioides difficile and postprocedural infection rates: a 5-year retrospective
Discontinuation of extended antimicrobial prophylaxis was associated with a significant decrease in the incidence of C. difficile infection without a concomitant change in postprocedural infections or EVD-associated infection. This study provides evidence in support of specialtfy-wide discontinuatio …
The effects of avoiding extended antimicrobial drain prophylaxis on Clostridioides difficile and postprocedural infection rates: a 5-year retrospective
Sustained Improvements in Antimicrobial Therapy and Clinical Outcomes following a Pharmacist-Led Antimicrobial Stewardship Intervention: Uncontrolled Before-After Study
Sustained Improvements in Antimicrobial Therapy and Clinical Outcomes following a Pharmacist-Led Antimicrobial Stewardship Intervention: Uncontrolled Before-After Study
Our antimicrobial pharmacist-led intervention included: (a) a structured review of antibiotic prescriptions; (b) educating prescribers on antimicrobial therapy; (c) monthly reporting of department-level rates of blood sampling for culture. Daily review began in May 2018 and was discontinued after 10 …
Sustained Improvements in Antimicrobial Therapy and Clinical Outcomes following a Pharmacist-Led Antimicrobial Stewardship Intervention: Uncontrolled Before-After Study
Implementation of An Antibiotic Stewardship Intervention to Reduce Prescription of Fluoroquinolones: A Human Factors Analysis in Two Intensive Care Units
Implementation of An Antibiotic Stewardship Intervention to Reduce Prescription of Fluoroquinolones: A Human Factors Analysis in Two Intensive Care Units
Antibiotic use is often the target of interventions in health care organizations that aim to decrease healthcare-associated infections (HAI) such as Clostridioides difficile (CDI); this is particularly important for fluoroquinolones (FQ), which are frequently used in critical care settings. I …
Implementation of An Antibiotic Stewardship Intervention to Reduce Prescription of Fluoroquinolones: A Human Factors Analysis in Two Intensive Care Units
Identifying Higher-Volume Antibiotic Outpatient Prescribers Using Publicly Available Medicare Part D Data - United States, 2019
Identifying Higher-Volume Antibiotic Outpatient Prescribers Using Publicly Available Medicare Part D Data - United States, 2019
Antibiotic prescribing can lead to adverse drug events and antibiotic resistance, which pose ongoing urgent public health threats (1). Adults aged ≥65 years (older adults) are recipients of the highest rates of outpatient antibiotic prescribing and are at increased risk for antibiotic-related advers …
Identifying Higher-Volume Antibiotic Outpatient Prescribers Using Publicly Available Medicare Part D Data - United States, 2019
Early Antibiotic Discontinuation or De-escalation in High-Risk Patients With AML With Febrile Neutropenia and Prolonged Neutropenia - PubMed
Early Antibiotic Discontinuation or De-escalation in High-Risk Patients With AML With Febrile Neutropenia and Prolonged Neutropenia - PubMed
Implementation of an antibiotic de-escalation guideline resulted in decreased use of intravenous antipseudomonal β-lactams and fewer episodes of C difficile colitis, without adversely impacting patient outcomes. Additional studies are needed, preferably in the form of randomized controlled trials, t …
Early Antibiotic Discontinuation or De-escalation in High-Risk Patients With AML With Febrile Neutropenia and Prolonged Neutropenia - PubMed
Association of Exposure to High-risk Antibiotics in Acute Care Hospitals With Multidrug-Resistant Organism Burden in Nursing Homes
Association of Exposure to High-risk Antibiotics in Acute Care Hospitals With Multidrug-Resistant Organism Burden in Nursing Homes
The findings of this study suggest that high-risk, hospital-based antibiotics are a potentially high-value target to reduce MDROs in postacute care NHs. This study underscores the potential utility of integrated hospital and NH stewardship programming on regional MDRO epidemiology.
Association of Exposure to High-risk Antibiotics in Acute Care Hospitals With Multidrug-Resistant Organism Burden in Nursing Homes
Hospitals With Higher Antimicrobial Use Have Larger C Difficile Issues
Hospitals With Higher Antimicrobial Use Have Larger C Difficile Issues
Hospitals with lower-than-expected CDI antimicrobial use had on average fewer beds, shorter length of stay, and higher proportion of undergraduate or nonteaching medical school affiliation.
Hospitals With Higher Antimicrobial Use Have Larger C Difficile Issues
Exotoxin-Targeted Drug Modalities as Antibiotic Alternatives
Exotoxin-Targeted Drug Modalities as Antibiotic Alternatives
The paradigm of antivirulence therapy dictates that bacterial pathogens are specifically disarmed but not killed by neutralizing their virulence factors. Clearance of the invading pathogen by the immune system is promoted. As compared to antibiotics, the pathogen-selective antivirulence drugs hold p …
Exotoxin-Targeted Drug Modalities as Antibiotic Alternatives
William - Peggy Lillis Foundation
William - Peggy Lillis Foundation
It started with a rash on my back that I suspect started from the barber I was seeing.  Scratching it made it worse. I went to the doctor’s office and was tended to by a PA. It was decided that this infection should be treated with a broad-spectrum antibiotic. After …
William - Peggy Lillis Foundation
Association between prevalence of laboratory-identified Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) and antibiotic treatment for CDI in US acute-care hospitals, 2019
Association between prevalence of laboratory-identified Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) and antibiotic treatment for CDI in US acute-care hospitals, 2019
The prevalence rate of LabID CDI had a significant dose-response association with first-line antibiotics for treating CDI. We identified hospitals with extreme discordance between CDI prevalence and CDI AU, highlighting potential opportunities for data validation and improvements in diagnostic and t …
Association between prevalence of laboratory-identified Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) and antibiotic treatment for CDI in US acute-care hospitals, 2019
The feasibility of rifampicin Re-administration in patients with tuberculosis and Clostridioides difficile infection
The feasibility of rifampicin Re-administration in patients with tuberculosis and Clostridioides difficile infection
The present study strengthens the argument for including RIF in the list of antibiotics that can induce CDI, particularly in elderly men suffering from underlying conditions. Although careful attention must be paid to the possibility of CDI recurrence, a strategy of re-administration of RIF is feasi …
The feasibility of rifampicin Re-administration in patients with tuberculosis and Clostridioides difficile infection
In stewardship, trust is essential - Healio
In stewardship, trust is essential - Healio
Infectious Disease News | In 2014, the CDC established The Core Elements of Hospital Antibiotic Stewardship to help hospitals improve their prescribing practices. Over the next 2 years, it also published guidance for nursing homes and the outpatient setting.As of 2019, 84% of hospitals reported having a program that meets the CDC’s seven “core elements.” We asked experts to tell us about the essential
In stewardship, trust is essential - Healio
Examining the Rate of Clostridioides (Formerly Clostridium) Difficile Infection Pre- and Post-COVID-19 Pandemic: An Institutional Review
Examining the Rate of Clostridioides (Formerly Clostridium) Difficile Infection Pre- and Post-COVID-19 Pandemic: An Institutional Review
Background/ Rationale Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) is transmitted via the fecal-oral route and is implicated in antibiotic-associated colitis. Similar to CDI, patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) require early identification and isolation, appropriate personal protect …
Examining the Rate of Clostridioides (Formerly Clostridium) Difficile Infection Pre- and Post-COVID-19 Pandemic: An Institutional Review
Infection preventionist staffing levels and rates of 10 types of healthcare-associated infections: A 9-year ambidirectional observation
Infection preventionist staffing levels and rates of 10 types of healthcare-associated infections: A 9-year ambidirectional observation
Of 10 HAIs, 8 had highest incidences during periods of lowest IP staffing and experience. Some HAI rates varied inversely with levels of IP staffing and experience and others appeared to be more influenced by nursing levels or other confounders.
Infection preventionist staffing levels and rates of 10 types of healthcare-associated infections: A 9-year ambidirectional observation
Risk Modeling Study Shows No Link Between NSAIDs and CDI
Risk Modeling Study Shows No Link Between NSAIDs and CDI
Non-aspirin nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs do not increase the risk for emClostridioides difficile/em infection, according to a retrospective review of nearly 1,500 people.
Risk Modeling Study Shows No Link Between NSAIDs and CDI