Women With Recurrent UTIs Express Fear, Frustration
Fear of antibiotic overuse and frustration with practitioners who prescribe them too freely are key sentiments from women with recurrent urinary tract infections.
In February 2021 I received care from a neighborhood physician's assistant for a hangnail that had become infected. After having the infection drained, I
Evaluation of Piperacillin-Tazobactam for Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Traumatic Grade III Open Fractures
Background: Broad-spectrum antibiotic agents are sometimes utilized for prophylaxis of Gustilo grade III open fractures. However, this practice is not recommended by current guidelines, and it is unknown how patient outcomes are impacted. This study aimed to determine if prophylaxis wi …
Surgical Infection Society Guidelines for Total Abdominal Colectomy versus Diverting Loop Ileostomy with Antegrade Intra-Colonic Lavage for the Surgical Management of Severe or Fulminant, Non-Perforated Clostridioides difficile Colitis
Background: Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) can result in life-threatening illness requiring surgery. Surgical options for managing severe or fulminant, non-perforated C. difficile colitis include total abdominal colectomy with end ileostomy or creation of a dive …
Risk Modeling Study Shows No Link Between NSAIDs and CDI
Non-aspirin nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs do not increase the risk for Clostridioides difficile infection, according to a retrospective review of nearly 1,500 people.
Significance of Antimicrobial Prophylaxis for the Prevention of Early-Onset Pneumonia After Radical Esophageal Cancer Resection: A Retrospective Analysis of 356 Patients Undergoing Thoracoscopic Esophagectomy
ABPC/SBT after esophagectomy was better at preventing early-onset pneumonia compared with CEZ and was feasible regarding the development of antimicrobial resistance.
The Risk of Clostridioides difficile Infection in Cirrhotic Patients Receiving Norfloxacin for Secondary Prophylaxis of Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis-A Real Life Cohort
Background and Objectives: Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) is a life-threatening complication of liver cirrhosis. Antibiotic prophylaxis is effective but can lead to an increased incidence of Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI). The aim of this study was to evaluate the in …
The use of first-generation cephalosporin antibiotics, cefalexin and cefradine, is not associated with induction of simulated Clostridioides difficile infection
These model data suggest that the minimal impact of first-generation cephalosporins, namely cefalexin and cefradine, on the intestinal microbiota results in a low propensity to induce CDI.
Evaluating Initial Empiric Therapy for Neutropenic Fever in Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus-Colonized Patients
Available data suggest Empiric Therapy may offer no clinical benefit to this population, regardless of whether vancomycin-resistant enterococcus is identified in blood culture or no pathogen is found. Such an approach may only expose the majority of patients to unnecessary vancomycin-resistant enter …
Popularity of the stomach- and intestine-protecting drugs has skyrocketed, but related adverse events, like osteoporotic fractures, C difficile infection, and pneumonia, are problematic.
Antimicrobial stewardship programs in emergency departments: how do we measure antimicrobial use? A systematic review
The reports of experiences in implementing ASPs in ED show heterogeneous antimicrobial use indicators, which makes it difficult to compare results. Therefore, antimicrobial use indicators for ASPs must be standardised between hospital units.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are not associated with increased risk of Clostridioides difficile infection: A propensity-score-matched case-control study
Prior research identified an increased risk for Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) following exposure to certain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). We conducted a retrospective case-control study to evaluate the risk for CDI associated with NSAID use. NSAID use was not associated …
Proton Pump Inhibitors Appear to Heighten Community-Associated C difficile Risk - AJMC.com Managed Markets Network
Patients prescribed proton pump inhibitors had roughly double the risk of community-associated Clostridioides difficile infection compared with those not taking the drugs.
Adherence to antimicrobial prophylaxis guidelines in cardiac implantable electronic device procedures in two Australian teaching hospitals https://t.co/beIwxoEANy #cdi #cdiff— Dave Roberts (@CDifficile1) September 3, 2021
A Pragmatic Assessment of Proton-Pump Inhibitors vs. Histamine Type 2 Receptor Antagonists on Clinically Important Gastrointestinal Bleeding and Mortality When Used for Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis in the ICU
PPIs were associated with CIGB; however, the overall rate of CIGB was low. Compared to H2RAs, PPIs were associated with hospital mortality. Further identification of appropriate selection criteria for ulcer prophylaxis and comparisons of pharmacologic prevention strategies are warranted.
Adherence to antimicrobial prophylaxis guidelines in cardiac implantable electronic device procedures in two Australian teaching hospitals
Objective This study investigated antibiotic prophylaxis (AP) guideline adherence and the cardiac implantable electronic device (CIED) infection rate in two major Australian public teaching hospitals.MethodsIn a retrospective observational study, the medical records of patients who underwent CIED pro …
Prevalence and risk factors for gastrointestinal symptoms after recovery from COVID‐19 - Wiley
Abstract Background COVID-19 frequently presents with acute gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, but it is unclear how common these symptoms are after recovery. The purpose of this study was to estimate...
Influence of Probiotics on the Development of Clostridioides difficile Infection in Patients Receiving Fluoroquinolones
Patients who received probiotics had statistically significantly fewer C. difficile diagnostic stool tests performed (4% vs. 16%, p = 0.005) and fewer additional infectious diagnostic testing performed (4% vs. 10%, p = 0.096), respectively. Further research is warranted to optimize and standardize probiotic prescribing in high-risk patients.
The comparative pathology of enterocolitis caused by Clostridium perfringens type C, Clostridioides difficile, Paeniclostridium sordellii, Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhimurium, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in horses
To determine if there were significant differences produced by 5 of the most prevalent causes of equine enterocolitis, we studied retrospectively the gross and microscopic pathology of 90 cases of enterocolitis submitted to the San Bernardino laboratory of the California Animal Health and Food Safet …