C Diff Drug Stewardship

C Diff Drug Stewardship

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Appropriate antibiotic use in dentistry: a review of the literature and clinical recommendations - PubMed
Appropriate antibiotic use in dentistry: a review of the literature and clinical recommendations - PubMed
This article reviews the latest evidence on the use of antibiotics in dentistry, beginning with the risks of antibiotic use, which include Clostridioides difficile infection and antimicrobial resistance. The article then reviews the clinical practice guidelines for antibiotic prophylaxis for patient …
Appropriate antibiotic use in dentistry: a review of the literature and clinical recommendations - PubMed
How NSAIDs Can Make a C. Difficile Infection Worse
How NSAIDs Can Make a C. Difficile Infection Worse
FRIDAY, July 21, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Aspirin, naproxen and other common pain medications known as NSAIDs worsen gastrointestinal infections caused by a bac
How NSAIDs Can Make a C. Difficile Infection Worse
The Changes in Broad-spectrum Antimicrobial Consumption during the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Japanese Acute Tertiary-care Hospital: An Interrupted Time-series Analysis - PubMed
The Changes in Broad-spectrum Antimicrobial Consumption during the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Japanese Acute Tertiary-care Hospital: An Interrupted Time-series Analysis - PubMed
Objective The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has spread worldwide, and hospitals in Japan have been forced to respond to the situation. This study evaluated the broad-spectrum antimicrobial use before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in an acute tertiary-care hospital. Methods Th …
The Changes in Broad-spectrum Antimicrobial Consumption during the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Japanese Acute Tertiary-care Hospital: An Interrupted Time-series Analysis - PubMed
Implementation strategies for hospital-based probiotic administration in a stepped-wedge cluster randomized trial design for preventing hospital-acquired Clostridioides difficile infection - PubMed
Implementation strategies for hospital-based probiotic administration in a stepped-wedge cluster randomized trial design for preventing hospital-acquired Clostridioides difficile infection - PubMed
Use of a barrier-targeted multifaceted approach, including electronic clinical decision support, education, focus groups to guide the adaptation of the implementation plan, and local site champions, resulted in a high probiotic adherence rate in the Prevent CDI-55 + study.
Implementation strategies for hospital-based probiotic administration in a stepped-wedge cluster randomized trial design for preventing hospital-acquired Clostridioides difficile infection - PubMed
Can we manage gut microbiome imbalances in patients with bipolar disorder with pharmacotherapy? - PubMed
Can we manage gut microbiome imbalances in patients with bipolar disorder with pharmacotherapy? - PubMed
Additionally, changes in gut microbiome in bipolar disorder might be used for biomarker identification with a potential to help in diagnosis and monitoring of the condition. It is an important area for further research and may provide improved therapeutic outcomes.
Can we manage gut microbiome imbalances in patients with bipolar disorder with pharmacotherapy? - PubMed
Comparison Between Pantoprazole Intermittent Dosing and Continuous Infusion in Suspected Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Prior to Endoscopy: Impact of a Pharmacist-Driven Protocol to Reduce Utilization of Pantoprazole Continuous Infusion - PubMed
Comparison Between Pantoprazole Intermittent Dosing and Continuous Infusion in Suspected Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Prior to Endoscopy: Impact of a Pharmacist-Driven Protocol to Reduce Utilization of Pantoprazole Continuous Infusion - PubMed
In hospitalized patients, the utilization of pantoprazole intermittent bolus is not only comparably efficacious but potentially represents a safer and economically advantageous alternative compared to the current guideline recommendation of a 72-hour pantoprazole continuous infusion. Further studies …
Comparison Between Pantoprazole Intermittent Dosing and Continuous Infusion in Suspected Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Prior to Endoscopy: Impact of a Pharmacist-Driven Protocol to Reduce Utilization of Pantoprazole Continuous Infusion - PubMed
Gut microbiota resilience and recovery after anticancer chemotherapy - PubMed
Gut microbiota resilience and recovery after anticancer chemotherapy - PubMed
Although research on the role of the gut microbiota (GM) in human health has sharply increased in recent years, what a "healthy" gut microbiota is and how it responds to major stressors is still difficult to establish. In particular, anticancer chemotherapy is known to have a drastic impact on the m …
Gut microbiota resilience and recovery after anticancer chemotherapy - PubMed
Comparative analyses of the faecal resistome against β-lactam and quinolone antibiotics in humans and livestock using metagenomic sequencing - PubMed
Comparative analyses of the faecal resistome against β-lactam and quinolone antibiotics in humans and livestock using metagenomic sequencing - PubMed
To assess the prevalence and abundance of antibiotic resistance genes in human and livestock gut microbiomes, 87 humans (healthy individuals and patients with Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI)) and 108 livestock (swine, cattle, and chickens) were enrolled. Gut microbiomes and fluoroquinolone- …
Comparative analyses of the faecal resistome against β-lactam and quinolone antibiotics in humans and livestock using metagenomic sequencing - PubMed
A Pharmacovigilance Study Regarding the Risk of Antibiotic-Associated Clostridioides difficile Infection Based on Reports from the EudraVigilance Database: Analysis of Some of the Most Used Antibiotics in Intensive Care Units - PubMed
A Pharmacovigilance Study Regarding the Risk of Antibiotic-Associated Clostridioides difficile Infection Based on Reports from the EudraVigilance Database: Analysis of Some of the Most Used Antibiotics in Intensive Care Units - PubMed
The Gram-positive anaerobic bacterium Clostridioides difficile (CD) can produce intense exotoxins, contributing to nosocomial infections, and it is the most common cause of health-care-associated infectious diarrhea. Based on spontaneous Individual Case Safety Reports from EudraVigilance (EV) …
A Pharmacovigilance Study Regarding the Risk of Antibiotic-Associated Clostridioides difficile Infection Based on Reports from the EudraVigilance Database: Analysis of Some of the Most Used Antibiotics in Intensive Care Units - PubMed
Impact of functional status on development of Clostridioides difficile infection and increase in in-hospital mortality among antibiotic users - PubMed
Impact of functional status on development of Clostridioides difficile infection and increase in in-hospital mortality among antibiotic users - PubMed
Assessment of functional status, especially combined with comorbidities, was significantly associated with developing CDI and may also be useful in predicting in-hospital mortality.
Impact of functional status on development of Clostridioides difficile infection and increase in in-hospital mortality among antibiotic users - PubMed
Azithromycin Treatment for Acne Vulgaris: A Case Report on the Risk of Clostridioides difficile Infection - PubMed
Azithromycin Treatment for Acne Vulgaris: A Case Report on the Risk of Clostridioides difficile Infection - PubMed
BACKGROUND Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) is a gram-positive, anaerobic, spore-forming bacillus. It can lead to pseudomembranous colitis characterized by electrolyte disturbances, toxic megacolon, and septic shock. The risk of C. difficile infection is higher with use of certain classes of ant …
Azithromycin Treatment for Acne Vulgaris: A Case Report on the Risk of Clostridioides difficile Infection - PubMed
Impact of antimicrobial resistance on patient care | LHSC
Impact of antimicrobial resistance on patient care | LHSC
Photo: Dr. Ian Ball with screen showing the digital clinical pathways and guidelines developed by the Antimicrobial Stewardship ProgramNovember 20, 2023
Impact of antimicrobial resistance on patient care | LHSC
Antibiotic Dos and Don’ts: Tips for Staying Healthy While Taking an Antibiotic
Antibiotic Dos and Don’ts: Tips for Staying Healthy While Taking an Antibiotic
Antibiotics can help you feel better after some common illnesses by fighting the bacteria that cause these infections. UR Medicine experts share some lesser-known things that can help you recover as quickly as possible.
Antibiotic Dos and Don’ts: Tips for Staying Healthy While Taking an Antibiotic
Clostridioides difficile MreE (PBP2) variants facilitate clinical disease during cephalosporin exposures - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile MreE (PBP2) variants facilitate clinical disease during cephalosporin exposures - PubMed
Cephalosporins are the most common triggers of healthcare-associated Clostridioides difficile infections (CDI). Here, we confirm gene-level drivers of cephalosporin resistance and their roles in promoting disease. Genomic-epidemiologic analyses of 306 C. difficile isolates from a hospi …
Clostridioides difficile MreE (PBP2) variants facilitate clinical disease during cephalosporin exposures - PubMed