Hospital Acquired Infections and C. diff. Is My Hospital Safe? - Gastroenterology & Endoscopy News

C Diff Prevention
Trying to prevent #cdiff and other #HAI? A recent study showed that 25% of mattresses within 4 hospitals required complete replacement, underlying a serious health risk that could lead to unnecessary infections. #IDTwitter #MedTwitter
Trying to prevent #cdiff and other #HAI? A recent study showed that 25% of mattresses within 4 hospitals required complete replacement, underlying a serious health risk that could lead to unnecessary infections. #IDTwitter #MedTwitter— Contagion (@Contagion_Live) April 3, 2022
Podcasts | AMR
The HealthCare-Associated Infection Risk Hiding in Plain Sight
A recent study showed that 25% of mattresses within 4 hospitals required complete replacement, underlying a serious health risk that could lead to unnecessary infections.
Ask the Doctors: Resetting gut microbiome is a long-term project
Dear Doctors: I have been stress eating during the pandemic. That includes plenty of junk food, unfortunately, and I've gained 15 pounds. I'm sure it has been bad for my
Peggy Lillis Fund on Twitter
“The financial impact of C. diff is staggering and places a significant financial burden on the US healthcare systemn #cdiff #cdifficile #healthcare #healthcarecosts #antibiotics #antibioticresistance #infectiousdisease #infection #IDtwitter”
Healthcare Cleaning Priorities - ECJ - European Cleaning Journal
Hygiene, efficacy, safety, cost-effectiveness - what should be the chief requirements of a healthcare cleaning system? Ann Laffeaty considers ..
How to Protect Yourself from Hospital Infections | ZaggoCare
Germs lurk throughout hospitals & other facilities, causing dangerous infections. How can you protect yourself from hospital infections?
718 Indirect Calorimetry is Necessary to Optimize Nutrition in Large Burns
AbstractIntroduction. Assessing nutritional requirements in large total body surface area (TBSA) burns is a challenge due to frequent metabolic variation. Studi
Post-Discharge Clostridioides difficile Infection after Arthroplasties in Poland, Infection Prevention and Control as the Key Element of Prevention of C. difficile Infections
Clostridioides difficile is still one of the most common causes of hospital-acquired infectious diarrhea (CDI), and the incidence of CDI is one of the indicators that allows conclusions to be derived on the correctness of antibiotic administration. The objective of this observational study wa …
Private Hospital Rooms with Strict Cleaning Protocols Linked to Decrease in C. Diff - CMM
Improved environmental factors make a significant difference in the rate of C. difficile infections in hospitals, according to a new study
C diff Rates Reduced Nearly 75% With Hydrogen Peroxide Disinfection System - Infection Control Today
The system gives infection preventionists another tool to combat the pathogen despite implementation challenges.
Aerosolized hydrogen peroxide reduces C. difficile in hospitals, study finds - Healio
Adding aerosolized hydrogen peroxide to hospital infection prevention protocols significantly reduced Clostridioides difficile infections, according to the results of a 10-year study reported in the American Journal of Infection Control.
Hospital and Long-Term Care Facility Environmental Service Workers' Training, Skills, Activities, and Effectiveness in Cleaning and Disinfection: A Systematic Review
Fourteen c-RCTs provided data on a series of interventions. Ten trials focused on reducing patient infections from MDROs/HAIs and four found significant reductions in patient infection rates with strategies including bleach, quaternary ammonium detergents, ultraviolet lights and hydrogen peroxide va …
Health Care-Associated Infections: Best Practices for Prevention
Health care-associated infections (HAIs) are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States. Common examples include catheter-associated urinary tract infections, central line-associated bloodstream infections, ventilator-associated pneumonia, surgical site infections, and Clost …
Decreasing Hospital-Acquired Clostridioides Difficile in Patients With Cancer
Patients with cancer are particularly susceptible to Clostridioides difficile infections because of their exposure to antibiotics, serious underlying chronic illnesses, advancing age, immunocompromising conditions, and extended lengths of stays in the hospital setting. In addition to suboptimal hand …
Aerosolized Hydrogen Peroxide Can Significantly Reduce C. difficile Infections
Aerosolized hydrogen peroxide is a new tool in fighting C. difficile in healthcare settings.
Evaluation of an aerosolized hydrogen peroxide disinfection system for the reduction of Clostridioides difficile hospital infection rates over a 10 year period - American Journal of Infection Control
Aerosolized Hydrogen Peroxide Can Significantly Reduce C. difficile Infections
Aerosolized hydrogen peroxide is a new tool in fighting C. difficile in healthcare settings.
Research reveals aerosolized hydrogen peroxide can significantly reduce C. difficile infections
Arlington, Va., March 17, 2022 – New data published today suggest that adding aerosolized hydrogen peroxide (aHP) to hospital infection prevention
Improve Hospital Efficiency and Safety Whitepaper | CHSH
Utilizing your hospital data can improve both hospital efficiency and safety. Learn how to use big data to benefit your hospital today.
Efficacy of EPA-registered disinfectants against two human norovirus surrogates and Clostridioides difficile endospores
H2 O2 -based disinfectants are efficacious against surrogate viruses for HuNoV and C. difficile endospores.
Effect of prebiotics on Bacteroides sp. adhesion and biofilm formation and synbiotic effect on Clostridioides difficile | Future Microbiology
Aim: The objective of this study was to determine the effect of standard and candidate prebiotics on the adhesion and biofilm formation of Bacteroides sp. in monoculture and co-culture with Clostridioides difficile. Materials & methods: The effect of seven prebiotics on the adhesion and biofilm formation of Bacteroides sp. to three human cell lines was determined. The effect of Bacteroides sp. and fructooligosaccharides (FOS) on the adhesion and biofilm formation of C. difficile was tested by the co-incubation assay. Results: Inulin, mannose and raffinose presented the best anti-adhesion properties against Bacteroides sp. Combination of Bacteroides sp. with FOS decreased the adhesion of C. difficile. Conclusion: The study shows the potential role of prebiotics and synbiotics in decreasing the burden of C. difficile infections.
The Impact of Infection Versus Colonization on Clostridioides difficile Environmental Contamination in Hospitalized Patients With Diarrhea
Patients colonized with C difficile frequently contaminated the hospital environment. Our data support the use of contact precautions when entering rooms of patients colonized with C difficile, especially when entering the bathroom.
Ultraviolet-C (UV-C) monitoring made simple: Colorimetric indicators to assess delivery of UV-C light by room decontamination devices | Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology | Cambridge Core
Ultraviolet-C (UV-C) monitoring made simple: Colorimetric indicators to assess delivery of UV-C light by room decontamination devices
/PRNewswire/ -- PDI, a global leader in infection prevention products and solutions, announced today the dual launch of novel, innovative disinfectants to help...
EHR 'Nudge' Linked to Fewer C. Diff Tests for Organ Transplant Recipients - Medpage Today
The program also led to fewer days of antibiotics and cost savings
Comparing Automated Room Decontamination Devices to Keep HAIs Low - Infection Control Today
Choosing which device to use may depend on the bacteria prevalent in the laboratory or patient room.
Preventing Health Care-Associated Infections Through Implementation of an Interprofessional Visual Management Safety Tracker
Creating an interprofessional VM Safety Tracker could significantly reduce HAIs.
Scientists discover why C.diff is hard to eradicate, opening door for successful treatment - Becker's Hospital Review
Scientists have identified a structural reason why Clostridium difficile may be so difficult to eradicate, according to findings published Feb. 25 in Nature Communications.