Effect of prebiotics on Bacteroides sp. adhesion and biofilm formation and synbiotic effect on Clostridioides difficile
Aim: The objective of this study was to determine the effect of standard and candidate prebiotics on the adhesion and biofilm formation of Bacteroides sp. in monoculture and co-culture with Clostridioides difficile. Materials & methods: The effect of seven prebiotics …
Infection prevention and control insights from a decade of pathogen whole-genome sequencing
Pathogen whole-genome sequencing has become an important tool for understanding the transmission and epidemiology of infectious diseases. It has improved our understanding of sources of infection and transmission routes for important healthcare-associated pathogens, including Clostridioides difficil …
Probiotics Exhibit Strain-Specific Protective Effects in T84 Cells Challenged With Clostridioides difficile-Infected Fecal Water
Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) is frequently associated with intestinal injury and mucosal barrier dysfunction, leading to an inflammatory response involving neutrophil localization and upregulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines. The severity of clinical manifestations is associated …
Four science-backed ways of taking care of your gut microbiota
You are probably familiar with the idea that an altered gut microbiota composition has been linked to a wide range of intestinal and extraintestinal conditions. Learn more about what science says are the best ways to take care of your gut microbiota.
Stopping Hospital Infections with Environmental Services (SHINE): A Cluster-Randomized Trial of Intensive Monitoring Methods for Terminal Room Cleaning on Rates of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms in the Intensive Care Unit
Intensive monitoring of ICU terminal room cleaning with an ATP modality is associated with a reduction of MDRO infection and colonization.
Efficacy of five "sporicidal" surface disinfectants against Clostridioides difficile spores in suspension tests and 4-field tests
A sporicidal surface disinfection is recommended both for the outbreak and the endemic setting but a comparative evaluation on the efficacy of "sporicidal" surface disinfectants using suspension tests and 4-field tests has not been performed. We determined the efficacy of five "sporicidal" surface d …
Inactivation of Spores and Vegetative Forms of Clostridioides difficile by Chemical Biocides: Mechanisms of Biocidal Activity, Methods of Evaluation, and Environmental Aspects
Clostridioides difficile infections (CDIs) are the most common cause of acquired diseases in hospitalized patients. Effective surface disinfection, focused on the inactivation of the spores of this pathogen, is a decisive factor in reducing the number of nosocomial cases of CDI infections. An …
Dr Colleen R. Kelly on the Lack of Evidence to Support Probiotics for C difficile
Clinicians are finding that there really is no basis to recommend probiotics for patients with Clostridioides difficile infection, that instead they may cause harm, said Colleen R. Kelly, MD, FACG, gastroenterologist and associate professor of medicine at The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University.
Factors influencing environmental sampling recovery of healthcare pathogens from non-porous surfaces with cellulose sponges
Results from sampling healthcare surfaces for pathogens are difficult to interpret without understanding the factors that influence pathogen detection. We investigated the recovery of four healthcare-associated pathogens from three common surface materials, and how a body fluid simulant (artificial …
Cost and length of hospital stay for healthcare facilityonset Clostridioides Difficile infection in pediatric wards: a prospective cohort analysis
Although in children the incidence of HO-CDI is increasing, its clinical manifestation is still milder and effective infection control measures with antibiotic stewardship can limit related morbidly, mortality, LOS, and cost.
Certain Rooms in Intensive Care Units May Harbor Risk for Clostridioides difficile Infection
Abstract Background: Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) is a common and sometimes life-threatening illness. Patient-, care-, and room hygiene-specific factors are known to impact CDI genesis, but care provider training and room topography have not been explored. We …
Application of a Novel PM Model to Assess the Risk of Clostridioides difficile Infections in Medical Facilities as a Tool for Improving the Quality of Health Services and the Safety of Patients
Infections with multi-drug resistant microorganisms associated with the provision of health services have become an acute problem worldwide. These infections cause increased morbidity as well as mortality and are a financial burden for the healthcare system. Effective risk management can reduce the …
The Nocospray Disinfection System has a full spectrum of activity against bacteria, viruses, and is a proven sporicidal #Cdiff. https://t.co/R6mv3smdeL #HAI #disinfection @jjur68 @dnice1946 @JoanneOliverON @CindyFrank63 @FredFriedberg1 @JuliePaquet13v #COVID19AB #covid19nfld pic.twitter.com/5wVBKjtQoO— NocoSpray Canada (@NocospraySystem) January 10, 2022
Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces in hospitals and long-term care facilities for reducing hospital and facility-acquired bacterial and viral infections: A systematic review
Ten c-RCTs focused on reducing multiple MDROs and/or HAIs and four had significant reductions. Three c-RCTs reported only patient MRSA colonization rates (one significant reductions), and one focused on Clostridioides difficile (no significant differences). Standardised primary and secondary outcome …
Hand hygiene as the basic method of reducing Clostridium difficile infections (CDI) in a hospital environment - PubMed
Non-compliance with hand hygiene among members of medical staff contributes to nosocomial infections which are a major cause of disease complications and deaths. Proper hand hygiene is a key measure for reducing this phenomenon. In every medical institution, especially in hospitals, and staff should …
ClinicalThought - Burden of CDI - C difficile - IDWeek 2021
Clinical Care Options (CCO) commentary from Dr. Kevin Garey on new data on the patient and economic burden of Clostridioides difficile presented at IDWeek 2021
Hand hygiene as the basic method of reducing Clostridium difficile infections (CDI) in a hospital environment
Non-compliance with hand hygiene among members of medical staff contributes to nosocomial infections which are a major cause of disease complications and deaths. Proper hand hygiene is a key measure for reducing this phenomenon. In every medical institution, especially in hospitals, and staff should …
Impact of Statewide Prevention and Reduction of Clostridioides difficile (SPARC), a Maryland public health-academic collaborative: an evaluation of a quality improvement intervention
To evaluate changes in Clostridioides difficile incidence rates for Maryland hospitals that participated in the Statewide Prevention and Reduction of C. difficile (SPARC) collaborative. Pre-post, difference-in-difference analysis of non-randomised intervention using four quarters of pr …
A systematic review and meta-analysis of decontamination methods to prevent hospital environmental contamination and transmission of Clostridioidesdifficile - PubMed
The current guidelines suggest that hospital rooms previously occupied with Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) patients should be decontaminated with recommended decontamination methods because C. difficile can persist on surfaces despite adherence to the recommended procedures. Recently, ultr …