C Diff Prevention

C Diff Prevention

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Preferences for a Clostridioides difficile vaccine among adults in the United States - PubMed
Preferences for a Clostridioides difficile vaccine among adults in the United States - PubMed
OOP cost, improvements in vaccine effectiveness, and reduction in CDI severity were highly influential to vaccine selection. Most adults aged ≥50 years were receptive to a C.diff vaccine, especially with little-to-no OOP cost, suggesting that mandating insurance coverage of vaccination with no copay …
Preferences for a Clostridioides difficile vaccine among adults in the United States - PubMed
Preferences for a Clostridioides difficile vaccine among adults in the United States - PubMed
Preferences for a Clostridioides difficile vaccine among adults in the United States - PubMed
OOP cost, improvements in vaccine effectiveness, and reduction in CDI severity were highly influential to vaccine selection. Most adults aged ≥50 years were receptive to a C.diff vaccine, especially with little-to-no OOP cost, suggesting that mandating insurance coverage of vaccination with no copay …
Preferences for a Clostridioides difficile vaccine among adults in the United States - PubMed
Prevention and cure of murine C. difficile infection by a Lachnospiraceae strain - PubMed
Prevention and cure of murine C. difficile infection by a Lachnospiraceae strain - PubMed
We sought to better understand how intestinal microbiota confer protection against Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile) infection (CDI). We utilized gnotobiotic altered Schaedler flora (ASF) mice, which lack the abnormalities of germfree (GF) mice as well as the complexity and heter …
Prevention and cure of murine C. difficile infection by a Lachnospiraceae strain - PubMed
Modeling the effects of prebiotic interventions on luminal and mucosa-associated gut microbiota without and with Clostridium difficile challenge in vitro - PubMed
Modeling the effects of prebiotic interventions on luminal and mucosa-associated gut microbiota without and with Clostridium difficile challenge in vitro - PubMed
Prebiotics can modulate the gut microbial community composition and function for improved (gut) health and increase resilience against infections. In vitro models of the gut facilitate the study of intervention effects on the gut microbial community relevant to health. The mucosa-associated g …
Modeling the effects of prebiotic interventions on luminal and mucosa-associated gut microbiota without and with Clostridium difficile challenge in vitro - PubMed
Prevention and cure of murine C. difficile infection by a Lachnospiraceae strain - PubMed
Prevention and cure of murine C. difficile infection by a Lachnospiraceae strain - PubMed
We sought to better understand how intestinal microbiota confer protection against Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile) infection (CDI). We utilized gnotobiotic altered Schaedler flora (ASF) mice, which lack the abnormalities of germfree (GF) mice as well as the complexity and heter …
Prevention and cure of murine C. difficile infection by a Lachnospiraceae strain - PubMed
ESCMID/EUCIC clinical guidelines on preoperative decolonization and targeted prophylaxis in patients colonized by multidrug-resistant Gram-positive bacteria before surgery - PubMed
ESCMID/EUCIC clinical guidelines on preoperative decolonization and targeted prophylaxis in patients colonized by multidrug-resistant Gram-positive bacteria before surgery - PubMed
The guideline panel reviewed the impact of decolonization, targeted PAP, and combined interventions (e.g., decolonization and targeted PAP) on the risk of SSIs and other outcomes in MDR-GPB carriers, according to the type of bacteria and type of surgery. We recommend screening for S. aureus (SA) bef …
ESCMID/EUCIC clinical guidelines on preoperative decolonization and targeted prophylaxis in patients colonized by multidrug-resistant Gram-positive bacteria before surgery - PubMed
The Genesis of C diff Advocacy
The Genesis of C diff Advocacy
Peggy Lillis Foundation CEO Christian Lillis talks about how he became involved in advocacy around C diff and his motivation in helping to bring a bill to Congress to make the healthcare-associated infection a nationally notifiable infectious disease and condition.
The Genesis of C diff Advocacy
Vaccines and monoclonal antibodies to prevent healthcare-associated bacterial infections - PubMed
Vaccines and monoclonal antibodies to prevent healthcare-associated bacterial infections - PubMed
SUMMARYHealthcare-associated infections (HAIs) represent a burden for public health with a high prevalence and high death rates associated with them. Pathogens with a high potential for antimicrobial resistance, such as ESKAPE pathogens (Enterococcus faecium, S …
Vaccines and monoclonal antibodies to prevent healthcare-associated bacterial infections - PubMed
Clorox wipes receive EPA registration for C. diff
Clorox wipes receive EPA registration for C. diff
BALTIMORE — The Clorox Company has announced that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) accepted the registration of Clorox Commercial Solutions” Germicidal Wipes to kill Clostridium difficile (C. diff) spores in five minutes, according to a press release. The bleach wipe used by the most U.S. hospitals, Clorox Germicidal Wipes are ready-to-use, hospital-grade disinfectant wipes […]
Clorox wipes receive EPA registration for C. diff
An Exploratory Analysis of the Association between Healthcare Associated Infections & Hospital Financial Performance - PubMed
An Exploratory Analysis of the Association between Healthcare Associated Infections & Hospital Financial Performance - PubMed
Purpose: Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) place a significant financial burden on United States hospitals. HAI treatments extend hospital lengths of stay and increase hospital operational costs while significantly reducing hospital profit margins. Given these challenges, the research a …
An Exploratory Analysis of the Association between Healthcare Associated Infections & Hospital Financial Performance - PubMed
Impact of terminal cleaning in rooms previously occupied by patients with healthcare-associated infections - PubMed
Impact of terminal cleaning in rooms previously occupied by patients with healthcare-associated infections - PubMed
Healthcare associated infections (HAIs) are costly but preventable. A limited understanding of the effects of environmental cleaning on the riskiest HAI associated pathogens is a current challenge in HAI prevention. This project aimed to quantify the effects of terminal hospital cleaning practices o …
Impact of terminal cleaning in rooms previously occupied by patients with healthcare-associated infections - PubMed
Impact of terminal cleaning in rooms previously occupied by patients with healthcare-associated infections - PubMed
Impact of terminal cleaning in rooms previously occupied by patients with healthcare-associated infections - PubMed
Healthcare associated infections (HAIs) are costly but preventable. A limited understanding of the effects of environmental cleaning on the riskiest HAI associated pathogens is a current challenge in HAI prevention. This project aimed to quantify the effects of terminal hospital cleaning practices o …
Impact of terminal cleaning in rooms previously occupied by patients with healthcare-associated infections - PubMed
We Can Do Better Tackling C. diff
We Can Do Better Tackling C. diff
C. diff is a horrible disease that can cause significant morbidity. It can and often does recur and kills around 30,000 Americans every year. We have made progress in prevention and treatment, but clearly there's more to do.
We Can Do Better Tackling C. diff
Therapeutic potential of probiotics in gut microbial homeostasis and Rheumatoid arthritis - PubMed
Therapeutic potential of probiotics in gut microbial homeostasis and Rheumatoid arthritis - PubMed
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by inflammation and joint damage. Existing treatment options primarily focus on managing symptoms and slowing disease progression, often with side effects and limitations. The gut microbiome, a vast community of microorganisms p …
Therapeutic potential of probiotics in gut microbial homeostasis and Rheumatoid arthritis - PubMed
Live biotherapeutic products: a capstone for prevention of recurrent Clostridiodes difficile infection
Live biotherapeutic products: a capstone for prevention of recurrent Clostridiodes difficile infection
Clostridiodes difficile infection (CDI) continues to be one of the leading causes of healthcare-acquired diarrhea and infections, and recurrence is the biggest challenge in its management. As technology and research have led to a better understanding of the pathophysiology of C. difficile, we have come to appreciate the role that the gastrointestinal microbiota plays in infection onset and the prevention of recurrence. The gut microbiota is disrupted in those with CDI, which allows further propagation of the infection leading to recurrence, if the microbiota deficiency is unable to regrow itself. While antimicrobial therapy is necessary for treatment of any CDI, these therapeutics do not address the underlying disturbance of microbiota. Microbial remodulation therapies have been developed supplementing the microbiota deficiency that exists after the standard of care antimicrobial resulting in a reduction of recurrence. Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) was the initial attempt for this type of therapeutic and proved to be safe and effective, however never achieved FDA approval. In light of this, live biotherapeutic products (LBPs) were developed by pharmaceutical companies through a more standardized and regulated process. These products are safe and efficacious in reducing CDI recurrence when given after a standard of care antimicrobial, eventually leading to FDA approval of two products that can now be used widely in clinical practice.
Live biotherapeutic products: a capstone for prevention of recurrent Clostridiodes difficile infection
Primel launches new coating solution in battle against C. diff
Primel launches new coating solution in battle against C. diff
Primel, a provider of infection prevention solutions, has published the results of a new study proving its Active Hand Coating has achieved a high level of sporicidal activity (4 log 99.99 % efficacy).
Primel launches new coating solution in battle against C. diff
Inhibition of EGFR/ErbB does not protect against C. difficile toxin B - PubMed
Inhibition of EGFR/ErbB does not protect against C. difficile toxin B - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile is a common cause of diarrhea and mortality, especially in immunosuppressed and hospitalized patients. C. difficile is a toxin-mediated disease, but the host cell receptors for C. difficile toxin B (TcdB) have only recently been revealed. Emerging data s …
Inhibition of EGFR/ErbB does not protect against C. difficile toxin B - PubMed
Reducing Clostridioides difficile Infections in a Medical Intensive Care Unit: A Multimodal Quality Improvement Initiative - PubMed
Reducing Clostridioides difficile Infections in a Medical Intensive Care Unit: A Multimodal Quality Improvement Initiative - PubMed
We found clinically significant improvements in the rate of C. diff infection and PCR tests ordered as a result of implementing tailored interventions in a large medical intensive care unit. Other units should consider using robust quality improvement methods and tools to conduct similar initiatives …
Reducing Clostridioides difficile Infections in a Medical Intensive Care Unit: A Multimodal Quality Improvement Initiative - PubMed
Reducing Clostridioides difficile Infections in a Medical Intensive Care Unit: A Multimodal Quality Improvement Initiative - PubMed
Reducing Clostridioides difficile Infections in a Medical Intensive Care Unit: A Multimodal Quality Improvement Initiative - PubMed
We found clinically significant improvements in the rate of C. diff infection and PCR tests ordered as a result of implementing tailored interventions in a large medical intensive care unit. Other units should consider using robust quality improvement methods and tools to conduct similar initiatives …
Reducing Clostridioides difficile Infections in a Medical Intensive Care Unit: A Multimodal Quality Improvement Initiative - PubMed
The use of probiotics and prebiotics in decolonizing pathogenic bacteria from the gut; a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical outcomes - PubMed
The use of probiotics and prebiotics in decolonizing pathogenic bacteria from the gut; a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical outcomes - PubMed
Repeated exposure to antibiotics and changes in the diet and environment shift the gut microbial diversity and composition, making the host susceptible to pathogenic infection. The emergence and ongoing spread of AMR pathogens is a challenging public health issue. Recent evidence showed that probiot …
The use of probiotics and prebiotics in decolonizing pathogenic bacteria from the gut; a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical outcomes - PubMed
Comparative prebiotic potential of galacto- and fructo-oligosaccharides, native inulin, and acacia gum in Kenyan infant gut microbiota during iron supplementation - PubMed
Comparative prebiotic potential of galacto- and fructo-oligosaccharides, native inulin, and acacia gum in Kenyan infant gut microbiota during iron supplementation - PubMed
Iron fortification to prevent anemia in African infants increases colonic iron levels, favoring the growth of enteropathogens. The use of prebiotics may be an effective strategy to reduce these detrimental effects. Using the African infant PolyFermS gut model, we compared the effect of the prebiotic …
Comparative prebiotic potential of galacto- and fructo-oligosaccharides, native inulin, and acacia gum in Kenyan infant gut microbiota during iron supplementation - PubMed