Gut-Brain Axis a Key Player to Control Gut Dysbiosis in Neurological Diseases - PubMed
Parkinson's disease is a chronic neuropathy characterised by the formation of Lewy bodies (misfolded alpha-synuclein) in dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra and other parts of the brain. Dopaminergic neurons play a vital role in generating both motor and non-motor symptoms. Finding therapeu …
IDWeek Chair: “Come up With the Best Program Possible
Heather Yun, MD, FACP, FIDS who is this year’s IDWeek Chair for the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) talks about the honor of the position, the collective effort to put together the conference, and offers insights on AMR during war, as well as new emerging infectious disease threats.
Leveraging BIM to Enhance Infection Control in Health Care Facility Development
Building Information Modeling (BIM) plays a pivotal role in designing health care facilities that minimize infection risks, promoting efficient planning, and coordination while reducing construction challenges.
INFECTION PREVENTION: A Poem for International Infection Prevention and Control Week
International Infection Prevention and Control Week highlights the importance of preventing infections in health care and other settings. Share this poem to help educate others about IPC.
Examining the Impact of Enhanced Infection Prevention Measures on HAIs, Including CLABSIs
In an interview with Amy Spallone, MD, from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, the study investigates the effects of COVID-19 precautions on healthcare-associated infections, revealing surprising results in central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs), C difficile infections, and more.
Strengthening the role of hospital leadership in infection control (LEAD-IC) - a multimodal educational intervention in German acute care hospitals - PubMed
Multimodal IPC training of CMOs is worthwhile and can lead to changes in IPC-relevant cooperation in hospitals. IPC training of hospital management should be further intensified.
Strengthening the role of hospital leadership in infection control (LEAD-IC) – a multimodal educational intervention in German acute care hospitals - BMC Medical Education
Background The effect of leadership support for adherence to infection control and prevention (IPC) measures has been demonstrated. To expand this support, a target group-specific educational study for chief medical officers (CMO) was implemented and its influence on IPC indicators was investigated. Methods A controlled cohort study was conducted between 2018 and 2019. The intervention based on an initial workshop, an e-learning course, and a final meeting. Participants’ activities involving IPC management were surveyed. Consumption of alcohol hand rub (AHR) and incidence density of hospital-associated (HA) Clostridioides difficile-associated infections (CDI) were analyzed. Results Eight percent of 360 CMOs invited participated in the initial workshop; 70% of those participants registered for the online course. Overall, 43% completed the post-intervention questionnaire, in which 85% of respondents reported increased collaboration with relevant stakeholders. The pre-intervention median AHR consumption was higher in the intervention group than in the control group. Both groups showed an increase (38.6 (interquartile range (IQR) 33.6; 45.0) to 41.9 ml/patient day (PD) (IQR 35.0; 56.6) and 33.4 (IQR 28.3; 40.8) to 35.8 ml/ PD (IQR 31.6; 43.2), respectively). Pre-intervention median HA CDI cases were lower in the intervention group than in the control group. Both groups reported a decrease (0.22 (IQR 0.17; 0.33) to 0.19 cases/1000 PD (IQR 0.15; 0.26) and 0.32 (IQR 0.2; 0.48) to 0.22 cases/1000 PD (IQR 0.11; 0.33), respectively). Conclusion Multimodal IPC training of CMOs is worthwhile and can lead to changes in IPC-relevant cooperation in hospitals. IPC training of hospital management should be further intensified.
Cancer center’s anti-COVID efforts reduced nosocomial infections
Enhanced infection prevention and control efforts during COVID-19 reduced the rates of some hospital infections at a comprehensive cancer center, including Clostridioides difficile and multidrug-resistant infections, according to a study.
Limited reduction in Clostridioides difficile and Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus with the use of an aerosolized hydrogen peroxide disinfection system in tertiary healthcare facilities in Alberta, Canada - PubMed
No units experienced a decline in HA-CDI or HA-MRSA likely due to the low utilization of the system because of challenges incorporating it into operations.
Strict pandemic-related IPC interventions reduced healthcare-associated infection rates, study shows
A new study conducted by researchers at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center suggests that enhanced infection prevention and control (IPC) measures implemented to address the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to a significant decrease in many healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and a reduction in respiratory viral infections (RVIs).
Can probiotics and supplements really improve your gut microbiome?
From probiotics to faecal transplants, here's what you need to know about products and remedies that promise to restore the health of your gut microbes
Unique Properties of Yeast Probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745: A Narrative Review
Probiotics, both bacterial and yeast, have long been associated with a beneficial health history and human well-being. Among yeasts, Saccharomyces is a genus that is efficacious in rendering bet...
Evaluation of a mobile disinfection cabinet using ultraviolet-C light and aerosolized hydrogen peroxide for disinfection of medical equipment - PubMed
In laboratory testing, a mobile enclosed disinfection cabinet using ultraviolet-C light and aerosolized hydrogen peroxide was effective for disinfection of hard and soft surfaces. The addition of aerosolized hydrogen peroxide to ultraviolet-C light resulted in improved disinfection of soft surfaces …
Multipronged Approach: Reducing Clostridioides Difficile Infections in Hospitals
The following is a summary of “Impact of a multipronged approach to reduce the incidence of Clostridioides difficile infections in hospitalized patients,” published in the June 2023 issue of Infection Control by Katzman et al. The objective is to reduce Clostridioides difficile infections (CDI) in hospitalized patients, effective strategies are required. Researchers report data from
Strategies for applying probiotics in the antibiotic management of Clostridioides difficile infection - PubMed
The vital role of probiotics in the food field has been widely recognized, and at the same time, probiotics are gradually exhibiting surprising effects in the field of nutraceuticals, especially in regulating gut inflammation and the nutritional environment. As a dietary supplement in clinical nutri …
The 2 Times You Should Take Probiotic Supplements, According to Gastroentrologists |
A gastroenterologist explains when to take probiotic supplements for GI issues, which probiotics to take and whether there's a "best" time to take them.
Strategies for applying probiotics in the antibiotic management of Clostridioides difficile infection - PubMed
The vital role of probiotics in the food field has been widely recognized, and at the same time, probiotics are gradually exhibiting surprising effects in the field of nutraceuticals, especially in regulating gut inflammation and the nutritional environment. As a dietary supplement in clinical nutri …
Effectiveness of ultraviolet-C disinfection systems for reduction of multi-drug resistant organism infections in healthcare settings: A systematic review and meta-analysis - PubMed
This study aimed to summarise the findings of the studies assessing the effectiveness of ultraviolet C (UV-C) room disinfection in reducing the incidence rate of healthcare-associated multi-drug-resistant organism (MDRO) infections. A systematic screening was conducted using PubMed, EMBASE, and Scop …
Can You Take Probiotics with Antibiotics? | HealthNews
Probiotics play a crucial role in preventing antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Learn how probiotics can help promote a healthy gut during and after antibiotic treatment.
Environmental Disinfection Robots Market is valued approximately USD $$million in 2019 and is anticipated to grow with a healthy growth rate of more than $$% over the forecast period 2020-2027. Environmental