Finn, part of Vancouver’s canine scent detection team, dies unexpectedly - BC | Globalnews.caThe springer spaniel was one of the dogs working to help detect and reduce cases of C. difficile in the Vancouver Coastal Health region.#cdiffsmell··Aug 5, 2022Finn, part of Vancouver’s canine scent detection team, dies unexpectedly - BC |
Data-driven metabolomics for decoding the smell of diseases - Researcher | An App For AcademicsOCT 11 Data-driven metabolomics for decoding the smell of diseases 11:00 am BST / 10:00 am GMT FREE Welcome to another one of our Research#cdiffsmell··Oct 3, 2022Data-driven metabolomics for decoding the smell of diseases - Researcher | An App For Academics
The Dogs Who Can Sniff C. diffThe Dogs Who Can Sniff C. diff Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) occurs when the Clostridioides difficile – commonly referred to as C. difficile,#cdiffsmell··Feb 3, 2023The Dogs Who Can Sniff C. diff