C Diff Transmission

C Diff Transmission

EXCLUSIVE: Texas woman, 31, catches bacterial infection from pet cat
EXCLUSIVE: Texas woman, 31, catches bacterial infection from pet cat
The 31-year-old, from Houston, was diagnosed with C. diff, a highly contagious infection that throws the digestive system off balance and leads to painful inflammation in the colon.
EXCLUSIVE: Texas woman, 31, catches bacterial infection from pet cat
Risk factors for Recurrent Clostridioides Difficile Infection in Children - PubMed
Risk factors for Recurrent Clostridioides Difficile Infection in Children - PubMed
Findings from this study demonstrate the importance of underlying chronic conditions in the development of recurrent C. difficile disease and the shortcomings of current treatment options for recurrent cases. Additionally, our findings indicate that initial treatment selection may impact the likelih …
Risk factors for Recurrent Clostridioides Difficile Infection in Children - PubMed
Core genome multilocus sequence typing of Clostridioides difficile to investigate transmission in the hospital setting - PubMed
Core genome multilocus sequence typing of Clostridioides difficile to investigate transmission in the hospital setting - PubMed
Among clusters determined by cgMLST analysis, roughly 40% included unexplained HA-CDI acquisitions, which may be explained by unidentified epidemiological links, asymptomatic colonization, and/or shared common community reservoirs. The use of DLST, followed by whole genome sequencing analysis, is a …
Core genome multilocus sequence typing of Clostridioides difficile to investigate transmission in the hospital setting - PubMed
An epidemiological surveillance study (2021-2022): detection of a high diversity of Clostridioides difficile isolates in one tertiary hospital in Chongqing, Southwest China - PubMed
An epidemiological surveillance study (2021-2022): detection of a high diversity of Clostridioides difficile isolates in one tertiary hospital in Chongqing, Southwest China - PubMed
The strains identified in Chongqing, Southwest China, exhibited high genetic diversity. Enhance full awareness of high-risk patients with HA-CDI infection, particularly those with gastrointestinal and hepatocellular diseases, and emphasize caution in the use of tetracycline and capecitabine. These f …
An epidemiological surveillance study (2021-2022): detection of a high diversity of Clostridioides difficile isolates in one tertiary hospital in Chongqing, Southwest China - PubMed
Detection of multiple human enteropathogens in Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) from an under-resourced neighborhood of Vancouver, British Columbia - PubMed
Detection of multiple human enteropathogens in Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) from an under-resourced neighborhood of Vancouver, British Columbia - PubMed
Urban Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) can carry various human pathogens, and may be involved in pathogen propagation and transmission to humans. From January 31-August 14, 2021, a community outbreak of Shigella flexneri serotype 2a occurred among unhoused or poorly housed people in the Downtown East …
Detection of multiple human enteropathogens in Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) from an under-resourced neighborhood of Vancouver, British Columbia - PubMed
Biogeographic distribution and molecular epidemiology of Clostridioides ( Clostridium) difficile in Western Australian soils - PubMed
Biogeographic distribution and molecular epidemiology of Clostridioides ( Clostridium) difficile in Western Australian soils - PubMed
Clostridioides (Clostridium) difficile is a leading cause of infectious diarrhea in humans and production animals and can be found in a variety of environmental sources. The prevalence and diversity of multi-locus sequence type clade 5 strains of C. difficile in Australian production a …
Biogeographic distribution and molecular epidemiology of Clostridioides ( Clostridium) difficile in Western Australian soils - PubMed
Assessment of the Prevalence of Infections in Pediatric Patients With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Assessment of the Prevalence of Infections in Pediatric Patients With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Infections cause notable treatment-related morbidity during pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma (ALL/LLy) therapy. Infections are the most critical cause of morbidity and mortality in children undergoing treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Children with ALL, who are frequently underweight, are at increased risk of community-acquired pathogens, nosocomial multidrug-resistant pathogens, and opportunistic microorganisms. A weakened immune system from ALL itself and chemotherapy's side effects further worsen the prognosis. PubMed and Google Scholar articles were curated in a Google document with shared access. Discussion and development of the paper were achieved over Zoom meetings. This narrative review aims to analyze and summarize various pathogens responsible for infections in children receiving treatment for ALL and their treatment regimen and prophylaxis. The incidence of viral infection is higher in ALL patients, followed by bacterial and fungal infections. Prevention via prophylaxis and timely initiation of treatment is essential for positive outcomes.
Assessment of the Prevalence of Infections in Pediatric Patients With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Clostridioides Difficile Isn’t Hospital Acquired. That's an Important
Clostridioides Difficile Isn’t Hospital Acquired. That's an Important
An infection with Clostridioides difficile (or C. diff in the trade) that occurs 72 hours after admission to the hospital is considered hospital-acquired. Medicare penalizes hospitals financially if
Clostridioides Difficile Isn’t Hospital Acquired. That's an Important
High rates of acquisition of toxigenic Clostridioides difficile colonization without subsequent infection during acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment in children - PubMed
High rates of acquisition of toxigenic Clostridioides difficile colonization without subsequent infection during acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment in children - PubMed
High rates of acquisition of toxigenic Clostridioides difficile colonization without subsequent infection during acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment in children
High rates of acquisition of toxigenic Clostridioides difficile colonization without subsequent infection during acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment in children - PubMed
Describing the monthly variability of hospital-onset Clostridioides difficile during early coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) using electronic health record data - PubMed
Describing the monthly variability of hospital-onset Clostridioides difficile during early coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) using electronic health record data - PubMed
Variations in HO-CDI incidence seemed to trend with COVID-19 incidence but were not fully explained by our case mix. Other factors contributing to the variability in HO-CDI incidence beyond listed patient characteristics need to be explored.
Describing the monthly variability of hospital-onset Clostridioides difficile during early coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) using electronic health record data - PubMed
An open-label, randomized trial comparing fidaxomicin to oral vancomycin for the treatment of Clostridioides difficile infection in hospitalized patients receiving concomitant antibiotics for concurrent infections - PubMed
An open-label, randomized trial comparing fidaxomicin to oral vancomycin for the treatment of Clostridioides difficile infection in hospitalized patients receiving concomitant antibiotics for concurrent infections - PubMed
In this study of patients with CDI receiving CA, a numerically higher proportion were cured with fidaxomicin vs. vancomycin, but this result did not reach statistical significance. Overall recurrence was lower than anticipated in both arms compared to previous studies that did not extend duration of …
An open-label, randomized trial comparing fidaxomicin to oral vancomycin for the treatment of Clostridioides difficile infection in hospitalized patients receiving concomitant antibiotics for concurrent infections - PubMed
Molecular epidemiological analyses of Clostridioides difficile isolates in a university hospital in Japan - PubMed
Molecular epidemiological analyses of Clostridioides difficile isolates in a university hospital in Japan - PubMed
Major Japanese clonal strains, ST8 and ST17, have been in the hospital environment for a long time and cause healthcare-associated iC. difficile/i infections. The C. idifficile/i toxin genes were transcribed in the isolates from both patients with and without iC. difficile/i infection bu …
Molecular epidemiological analyses of Clostridioides difficile isolates in a university hospital in Japan - PubMed
States ranked by C. diff rates
States ranked by C. diff rates
This list outlines the standardized infection ratio for Clostridium difficile in each U.S. state based on data collected by CDC.
States ranked by C. diff rates
Association of Clostridioides difficile infection rates with social determinants of health in Denver area census tracts, 2016-2019 - PubMed
Association of Clostridioides difficile infection rates with social determinants of health in Denver area census tracts, 2016-2019 - PubMed
We evaluated the association between census tract measures of socioeconomic status and Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) rates in the Denver metro area from 2016 to 2019. Social vulnerability index, poverty, and race were associated with CDI. Findings may relate to differences in chron …
Association of Clostridioides difficile infection rates with social determinants of health in Denver area census tracts, 2016-2019 - PubMed
Clostridioides Difficile in Latin America: An Epidemiological Overview - PubMed
Clostridioides Difficile in Latin America: An Epidemiological Overview - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile infection is one of the most significant causes of nosocomial diarrhea associated with antibiotic use worldwide. In recent years, the incidence of Clostridioides difficile infection in Latin American countries has increased due to the emergence and spread of epidemic Clostri …
Clostridioides Difficile in Latin America: An Epidemiological Overview - PubMed
C Diff Deaths Increased During COVID-19 Pandemic, Study Finds
C Diff Deaths Increased During COVID-19 Pandemic, Study Finds
Findings revealed more than 5,000 excess deaths from CDI and 35.6% excess risk compared to the expected number of disease deaths calculated using data from the National Vital Statistics System.
C Diff Deaths Increased During COVID-19 Pandemic, Study Finds
Study: C. difficile transmission may hinge on individuals, not infection control tools
Study: C. difficile transmission may hinge on individuals, not infection control tools
A person’s biology may play more of a role in how Clostridioides difficile, or C. diff, spreads more so than healthcare facility preventive measures, a new study finds. This means that transmission of the bacteria may not be entirely dependent on how well healthcare workers carry out infection control protocol. The study was published Monday in Nature Medicine.
Study: C. difficile transmission may hinge on individuals, not infection control tools
Infection nosocomiale à C. difficile : la transmission à l'hôpital en question
Infection nosocomiale à C. difficile : la transmission à l'hôpital en question
Les patients porteurs asymptomatiques de Clostridioides difficile (anciennement Clostridium difficile) sont-ils des réservoirs cachés d'infections nosocomiales ? S'ils le sont très rarement pour les autres, les porteurs asymptomatiques à l'admission sont 24 fois plus à risque de développer une infection clinique.
Infection nosocomiale à C. difficile : la transmission à l'hôpital en question
A US-based national surveillance study for the susceptibility and epidemiology of Clostridioides difficile isolates with special reference to ridinilazole: 2020-2021 - PubMed
A US-based national surveillance study for the susceptibility and epidemiology of Clostridioides difficile isolates with special reference to ridinilazole: 2020-2021 - PubMed
We have previously reported on the susceptibility and epidemiology of Clostridioides difficile isolates from six geographically dispersed medical centers in the United States. This current survey was conducted with isolates collected in 2020-2021 from six geographically dispersed medical cent …
A US-based national surveillance study for the susceptibility and epidemiology of Clostridioides difficile isolates with special reference to ridinilazole: 2020-2021 - PubMed