C Diff Transmission

C Diff Transmission

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Clinical characteristics of community-onset Clostridioides difficile infections at a tertiary hospital in mainland China: A fourteen-year (2010-2023) retrospective study - PubMed
Clinical characteristics of community-onset Clostridioides difficile infections at a tertiary hospital in mainland China: A fourteen-year (2010-2023) retrospective study - PubMed
Outpatients with CDI were common among patients having diarrhea during this period in our hospital. Elderly patients and patients went to emergency department may be susceptible to CDI. Based on MLST, the result revealed that the C. difficile isolates had high genetic diversity and maintained stabil …
Clinical characteristics of community-onset Clostridioides difficile infections at a tertiary hospital in mainland China: A fourteen-year (2010-2023) retrospective study - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile Infection in the Elderly: Trend Analysis from 2000 to 2019 - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile Infection in the Elderly: Trend Analysis from 2000 to 2019 - PubMed
Background/Objective: Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) is a common healthcare-associated ailment, presenting major health and economic challenges, especially for the elderly. Despite its prevalence, comprehensive data about CDI's impact on the elderly are limited. Methods …
Clostridioides difficile Infection in the Elderly: Trend Analysis from 2000 to 2019 - PubMed
Recovery of Clostridium difficile from Hospital Environments | Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Recovery of Clostridium difficile from Hospital Environments | Journal of Clinical Microbiology
In the paper entitled “Use of a Selective Enrichment Broth to Recover Clostridium difficile from Stool Swabs Stored under Different Conditions” by Arroyo et al., published in the October 2005 issue of the Journal of Clinical Microbiology (1), the authors concluded that the use of selective enriched broth (0.1% sodium taurocholate and cycloserine-cefoxitin fructose broth [TCCFB]) was superior to the use of cycloserine-cefoxitin fructose agar (CCFA) and to the use of alcohol shock followed by inoculation onto blood agar and that neither the storage time nor the storage temperature affected the recovery of C. difficile from stool swabs. This conclusion was based on a comparison of three methods using nine standard culture swabs from each stool sample received in a research laboratory within 1 week of collection. One swab was used immediately, while the remaining swabs were randomly assigned to two storage groups: one at room temperature and the other at 4°C. After 1, 2, 4, and 8 weeks, an appropriate swab from each storage group was inoculated on CCFA and then placed in 9 ml of TCCFB. CCFA was incubated in an anaerobic chamber at 37°C for up to 5 days, and suspicious colonies were subcultured and identified. TCCFB was incubated up to 7 days, and 2 ml was mixed with an equal amount of absolute ethanol and left at room temperature; this procedure was followed by centrifugation and inoculation of the pellet onto blood agar and incubation under an anaerobic condition, as described above.
Recovery of Clostridium difficile from Hospital Environments | Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Occurrence and trends of Clostridioides difficile infections in hospitalized patients: a prospective multicentre cohort study in six German university hospitals, 2016-2020 - PubMed
Occurrence and trends of Clostridioides difficile infections in hospitalized patients: a prospective multicentre cohort study in six German university hospitals, 2016-2020 - PubMed
Compared with a European point-prevalence study in 2013/2014, where overall CDI incidence density was 11.2 cases/10,000 pd in Germany (EUCLID), we see in our study halved overall CDI rates of 5.6 cases/10,000 pd in 2020. Our study shows current data on the distribution of CDI cases in German univers …
Occurrence and trends of Clostridioides difficile infections in hospitalized patients: a prospective multicentre cohort study in six German university hospitals, 2016-2020 - PubMed
Epidemiology of Clostridioides difficile infection at one hospital 10 years after an outbreak of the epidemic C. difficile strain BI/027: changing strain prevalence, antimicrobial susceptibilities, and patient antibiotic exposures - PubMed
Epidemiology of Clostridioides difficile infection at one hospital 10 years after an outbreak of the epidemic C. difficile strain BI/027: changing strain prevalence, antimicrobial susceptibilities, and patient antibiotic exposures - PubMed
In contrast to the epidemiology 10 years earlier at our hospital when the epidemic restriction endonuclease analysis (REA) group strain BI accounted for 72% of Clostridioides difficile isolates recovered from first-episode C. difficile infection (CDI) cases, BI represented 19% of first …
Epidemiology of Clostridioides difficile infection at one hospital 10 years after an outbreak of the epidemic C. difficile strain BI/027: changing strain prevalence, antimicrobial susceptibilities, and patient antibiotic exposures - PubMed
Epidemiology of Clostridioides difficile infection at one hospital 10 years after an outbreak of the epidemic C. difficile strain BI/027: changing strain prevalence, antimicrobial susceptibilities, and patient antibiotic exposures - PubMed
Epidemiology of Clostridioides difficile infection at one hospital 10 years after an outbreak of the epidemic C. difficile strain BI/027: changing strain prevalence, antimicrobial susceptibilities, and patient antibiotic exposures - PubMed
In contrast to the epidemiology 10 years earlier at our hospital when the epidemic restriction endonuclease analysis (REA) group strain BI accounted for 72% of Clostridioides difficile isolates recovered from first-episode C. difficile infection (CDI) cases, BI represented 19% of first …
Epidemiology of Clostridioides difficile infection at one hospital 10 years after an outbreak of the epidemic C. difficile strain BI/027: changing strain prevalence, antimicrobial susceptibilities, and patient antibiotic exposures - PubMed
Differences in enteric pathogens and intestinal microbiota between diarrheic weaned piglets and healthy penmates - PubMed
Differences in enteric pathogens and intestinal microbiota between diarrheic weaned piglets and healthy penmates - PubMed
Postweaning diarrhea (PWD) is a multifactorial disease caused by different aetiological agents, like viruses or bacteria and where the role of the microbiota remains unclear. The aim of this study was to assess differences between healthy and diarrheic weaned pigs concerning the prevalence of pathog …
Differences in enteric pathogens and intestinal microbiota between diarrheic weaned piglets and healthy penmates - PubMed
Impact of COVID-19 Restrictions on Incidence of Enteropathogenic Bacteria, Virus, and Parasites in Denmark: A National, Register-Based Study - PubMed
Impact of COVID-19 Restrictions on Incidence of Enteropathogenic Bacteria, Virus, and Parasites in Denmark: A National, Register-Based Study - PubMed
Diarrheal diseases caused by enteric pathogens are a significant public health concern. It is widely considered that close contact between persons, poor hygiene, and consumption of contaminated food are the primary causes of gastroenteritis. Clinical microbiology laboratory observations indicate tha …
Impact of COVID-19 Restrictions on Incidence of Enteropathogenic Bacteria, Virus, and Parasites in Denmark: A National, Register-Based Study - PubMed
Impact of COVID-19 Restrictions on Incidence of Enteropathogenic Bacteria, Virus, and Parasites in Denmark: A National, Register-Based Study - PubMed
Impact of COVID-19 Restrictions on Incidence of Enteropathogenic Bacteria, Virus, and Parasites in Denmark: A National, Register-Based Study - PubMed
Diarrheal diseases caused by enteric pathogens are a significant public health concern. It is widely considered that close contact between persons, poor hygiene, and consumption of contaminated food are the primary causes of gastroenteritis. Clinical microbiology laboratory observations indicate tha …
Impact of COVID-19 Restrictions on Incidence of Enteropathogenic Bacteria, Virus, and Parasites in Denmark: A National, Register-Based Study - PubMed
Demographic Characteristics and Economic Burden of Clostridioides difficile Infection in Korea: A Nationwide Population-Based Study after Propensity Score Matching - PubMed
Demographic Characteristics and Economic Burden of Clostridioides difficile Infection in Korea: A Nationwide Population-Based Study after Propensity Score Matching - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) poses a considerable threat to global public health. However, there have been insufficient propensity score-matched data on its demographic characteristics and economic burden. Using nationwide claims data, we assessed longitudinal changes in the demog …
Demographic Characteristics and Economic Burden of Clostridioides difficile Infection in Korea: A Nationwide Population-Based Study after Propensity Score Matching - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile infection epidemiology during the COVID-19 pandemic in Greece - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile infection epidemiology during the COVID-19 pandemic in Greece - PubMed
Aim: The aim was to highlight the incidence and epidemiology of C. difficile infections (CDI) in a tertiary Greek hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A single-center prospective observational cohort study was conducted (October 2021 until April 2022). 125 C. diffi …
Clostridioides difficile infection epidemiology during the COVID-19 pandemic in Greece - PubMed
Cyclic diguanylate differentially regulates the expression of virulence factors and pathogenesis-related phenotypes in Clostridioides difficile - PubMed
Cyclic diguanylate differentially regulates the expression of virulence factors and pathogenesis-related phenotypes in Clostridioides difficile - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) caused by toxigenic C. difficile is the leading cause of antimicrobial and healthcare-associated diarrhea. The pathogenicity of C. difficile relies on the synergistic effect of multiple virulence factors, including spores, flagella, type IV pili (T4P), toxins …
Cyclic diguanylate differentially regulates the expression of virulence factors and pathogenesis-related phenotypes in Clostridioides difficile - PubMed
Incidence of public health surveillance-reported Clostridioides difficile infections in thirteen countries worldwide: A narrative review - PubMed
Incidence of public health surveillance-reported Clostridioides difficile infections in thirteen countries worldwide: A narrative review - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) is an important cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Data from public health surveillance systems are important for estimating country-level CDI burden. CDI surveillance can be population-based or hospital-based. Population-based surveillance results i …
Incidence of public health surveillance-reported Clostridioides difficile infections in thirteen countries worldwide: A narrative review - PubMed
Improving Risk Prediction of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Using Machine Learning Methods With Network Features: Retrospective Development Study - PubMed
Improving Risk Prediction of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Using Machine Learning Methods With Network Features: Retrospective Development Study - PubMed
Our study shows that MRSA risk prediction can be conducted quite effectively by machine learning methods using clinical and nonclinical features derived from EHR data. Network features are the most predictive and provide significant improvement over prior methods. Furthermore, heterogeneous predicti …
Improving Risk Prediction of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Using Machine Learning Methods With Network Features: Retrospective Development Study - PubMed
Intestinal colonization resistance in the context of environmental, host, and microbial determinants - PubMed
Intestinal colonization resistance in the context of environmental, host, and microbial determinants - PubMed
Microbial communities that colonize the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract defend against pathogens through a mechanism known as colonization resistance (CR). Advances in technologies such as next-generation sequencing, gnotobiotic mouse models, and bacterial cultivation have enhanced our understandi …
Intestinal colonization resistance in the context of environmental, host, and microbial determinants - PubMed
Ecological dynamics imposes fundamental challenges in community-based microbial source tracking - PubMed
Ecological dynamics imposes fundamental challenges in community-based microbial source tracking - PubMed
Quantifying the contributions of possible environmental sources ("sources") to a specific microbial community ("sink") is a classical problem in microbiology known as microbial source tracking (MST). Solving the MST problem will not only help us understand how microbial communities were formed, but …
Ecological dynamics imposes fundamental challenges in community-based microbial source tracking - PubMed
[Analysis of Clostridioides difficile infection characteristics and risk factors in patients hospitalized for diarrhea in 3 university hospitals in a mid-south city of China] - PubMed
[Analysis of Clostridioides difficile infection characteristics and risk factors in patients hospitalized for diarrhea in 3 university hospitals in a mid-south city of China] - PubMed
The CDI rate remains low in the hospitalized patients with diarrhea in the investigated hospitals, but early precaution measures are recommended when exposure to the risk factors is reported to reduce the risk of CDI in the hospitalized patients.
[Analysis of Clostridioides difficile infection characteristics and risk factors in patients hospitalized for diarrhea in 3 university hospitals in a mid-south city of China] - PubMed
Household study suggests infants may spread C difficile
Household study suggests infants may spread C difficile
A longitudinal household study found shared C difficile strains in 17 of 28 families, with the infant detected first in most instances.
Household study suggests infants may spread C difficile
Molecular epidemiology and antimicrobial resistance in Clostridioides difficile strains isolated from children and adolescents in a tertiary referral pediatric hospital in Fortaleza, Brazil - PubMed
Molecular epidemiology and antimicrobial resistance in Clostridioides difficile strains isolated from children and adolescents in a tertiary referral pediatric hospital in Fortaleza, Brazil - PubMed
Our study enhances our understanding of the present epidemiological landscape of C. difficile-associated diarrhea (CDI) among children in northeastern Brazil, reveling a substantial CDI frequency of 30.4 %, with toxigenic strains detected in 76.4 % of cases, highlighting a higher prevalence compared …
Molecular epidemiology and antimicrobial resistance in Clostridioides difficile strains isolated from children and adolescents in a tertiary referral pediatric hospital in Fortaleza, Brazil - PubMed
The changing epidemiology of Clostridioides difficile infection and the NAP1/027 strain in two Québec hospitals: a 17-year time-series study - PubMed
The changing epidemiology of Clostridioides difficile infection and the NAP1/027 strain in two Québec hospitals: a 17-year time-series study - PubMed
Decreased utilization of fluoroquinolones in two Québec hospitals was associated with a decrease in the incidence of HA-CDI and a genotype shift from NAP1/027 to non-NAP1/027 strains.
The changing epidemiology of Clostridioides difficile infection and the NAP1/027 strain in two Québec hospitals: a 17-year time-series study - PubMed
Estimating excess mortality and economic burden of Clostridioides difficile infections and recurrences during 2015-2019: the RECUR Germany study - PubMed
Estimating excess mortality and economic burden of Clostridioides difficile infections and recurrences during 2015-2019: the RECUR Germany study - PubMed
In this real-world study conducted in Germany, CDI was associated with increased risk of death and substantial costs to health systems due to higher HCRU, especially hospitalisations. HCRU and associated costs were exacerbated by rCDIs.
Estimating excess mortality and economic burden of Clostridioides difficile infections and recurrences during 2015-2019: the RECUR Germany study - PubMed
Association of toxin-producing Clostridioides difficile with piglet diarrhea and potential transmission to humans - PubMed
Association of toxin-producing Clostridioides difficile with piglet diarrhea and potential transmission to humans - PubMed
The pathogenicity of Clostridioides difficile in piglets remains controversial. It is unknown whether C. difficile control helps protect piglet health. To clarify the association between C. difficile presence and piglet diarrhea, isolates were obtained from piglets with and without diarrhea. In addi …
Association of toxin-producing Clostridioides difficile with piglet diarrhea and potential transmission to humans - PubMed
Association of toxin-producing Clostridioides difficile with piglet diarrhea and potential transmission to humans - PubMed
Association of toxin-producing Clostridioides difficile with piglet diarrhea and potential transmission to humans - PubMed
The pathogenicity of Clostridioides difficile in piglets remains controversial. It is unknown whether C. difficile control helps protect piglet health. To clarify the association between C. difficile presence and piglet diarrhea, isolates were obtained from piglets with and without diarrhea. In addi …
Association of toxin-producing Clostridioides difficile with piglet diarrhea and potential transmission to humans - PubMed
Retrospective Analysis of Clostridioides difficile Infection Rates and Outcomes in Hospitalized Patients during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Unicenter Study in Reus, Spain - PubMed
Retrospective Analysis of Clostridioides difficile Infection Rates and Outcomes in Hospitalized Patients during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Unicenter Study in Reus, Spain - PubMed
Background:Clostridioides difficile infections (CDI) vary in severity from mild diarrhea to life-threatening conditions like pseudomembranous colitis or toxic megacolon, often leading to sepsis and death. The COVID-19 pandemic prompted changes in healthcare practices, potentially affec …
Retrospective Analysis of Clostridioides difficile Infection Rates and Outcomes in Hospitalized Patients during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Unicenter Study in Reus, Spain - PubMed