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I was only telling myself a couple of weeks ago when we were mid-run that we just had to worry about ourselves. I wasn’t paying close attention to the table or other games, and I certainly wasn’t p…
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Curbs: I didn't get fair shot at England job
Curbs: I didn't get fair shot at England job
A recent edition of  Four Four Two  has a double page spread interview with Alan Curbishley. He states: 'After that first promotion to the P...
Curbs: I didn't get fair shot at England job
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- Digital Newspaper & Magazine Subscriptions
Aiden McGeady has delivered a scath­ing ver­dict on former Sun­der­land fig­ure Charlie Meth­ven. Meth­ven took a minor­ity stake in Sun­der­land along­side his Madrox part­ners Stew­art Don­ald and Juan Sar­tori after the con­sor­tium bought the club...
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