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John Damianos, M.D. on Twitter
John Damianos, M.D. on Twitter
Fecal microbiota transplantation from a lean donor did not cause weight loss in obese individuals. #MedTwitter #GITwitter #obesity #microbiome #FMT— John Damianos, M.D. (@john_damianosMD) December 16, 2022
John Damianos, M.D. on Twitter
Katie Guzzetta 🌻 on Twitter
Katie Guzzetta 🌻 on Twitter
In children with #autism, #FMT ⬇️ severity of gastrointestinal symptoms by ~80% and autism symptoms by ~24%. Two years later, GI symptoms were ⬇️ ~59% and #ASD symptoms ⬇️ ~47% compared with pre-FMT levels.#GutMicrobiome— Katie Guzzetta 🌻 (@ktguzz) December 16, 2022
Katie Guzzetta 🌻 on Twitter
Gut microbiota differs between treatment outcomes early after fecal microbiota transplantation against recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection
Gut microbiota differs between treatment outcomes early after fecal microbiota transplantation against recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection
AbstarctIn fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) against recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI), clinical outcomes are usually determined after 8 weeks. We hypothesized that the intestinal microbiota changes earlier than this timepoint, and analyzed fecal samples obtained 1 week …
Gut microbiota differs between treatment outcomes early after fecal microbiota transplantation against recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection
I've been thinking about maternal-infant microbiome synchrony for a while and just found this preprint from the amazing Ruth Feldman & co. who've started exploring that idea in the context of early adversity (complete with #FMT 💩 & beautiful fi
I've been thinking about maternal-infant microbiome synchrony for a while and just found this preprint from the amazing Ruth Feldman & co. who've started exploring that idea in the context of early adversity (complete with #FMT 💩 & beautiful fi
I've been thinking about maternal-infant microbiome synchrony for a while and just found this preprint from the amazing Ruth Feldman & co. who've started exploring that idea in the context of early adversity (complete with #FMT 💩 & beautiful figures😍)— Dr Caitlin Cowan (@caitlincowanPhD) December 14, 2022
I've been thinking about maternal-infant microbiome synchrony for a while and just found this preprint from the amazing Ruth Feldman & co. who've started exploring that idea in the context of early adversity (complete with #FMT 💩 & beautiful fi
RT @EurFmt: #Guide to the #quality and #safety of tissues and cells (incl #FMT) for human application from EDQM is released! Chapter 32 is…
RT @EurFmt: #Guide to the #quality and #safety of tissues and cells (incl #FMT) for human application from EDQM is released! Chapter 32 is…
#Guide to the #quality and #safety of tissues and cells (incl #FMT) for human application from EDQM is released!Chapter 32 is on intestinal #microbiota!Follow the link and download your personal Guide!— EurFMT (@EurFmt) December 14, 2022
RT @EurFmt: #Guide to the #quality and #safety of tissues and cells (incl #FMT) for human application from EDQM is released! Chapter 32 is…
Harvesting our Gut Communities to Treat Disease | Biotech Connection
Harvesting our Gut Communities to Treat Disease | Biotech Connection
A Look at Fecal Microbiota Transplants in Universities and Biotech Companies Trillions of bacteria, along with some fungi, viruses, and archaea, make up our gut microbiome. These bacteria greatly outnumber our own cells and play a crucial role in our bodies. Researchers are exploring gut microbiome interventions to improve human health. In the last several […]
Harvesting our Gut Communities to Treat Disease | Biotech Connection
Richard Hansen on Twitter: "RT @TSBSchm: Very pleased (& proud) that our meta-study of microbiome dynamics following #FMT is out today in @NatureMedicine Congrats to…" / Twitter
Richard Hansen on Twitter: "RT @TSBSchm: Very pleased (& proud) that our meta-study of microbiome dynamics following #FMT is out today in @NatureMedicine Congrats to…" / Twitter
Very pleased (& proud) that our meta-study of microbiome dynamics following #FMT is out today in @NatureMedicine Congrats to @simone_s_li @BorkLab & collaborators @embl @amsterdamumc @WUR & CDD.What happens after FMT? It's messy...1/— Sebastian Schmidt (@TSBSchm) September 15, 2022
Richard Hansen on Twitter: "RT @TSBSchm: Very pleased (& proud) that our meta-study of microbiome dynamics following #FMT is out today in @NatureMedicine Congrats to…" / Twitter
Double-edged sword: impact of fecal microbiome transplants on the gut resistome
Double-edged sword: impact of fecal microbiome transplants on the gut resistome
Research on resistome modulation by FMT is preliminary, and human studies currently lack consensus regarding benefits and risks. From a safety perspective, screening donor samples for ARGs in addition to antibiotic-resistant organisms may be advisable. Additional studies on the mechanisms underlying …
Double-edged sword: impact of fecal microbiome transplants on the gut resistome
Alex Shteynshlyuger MD on Twitter
Alex Shteynshlyuger MD on Twitter
“@DoctorsFirst Wait until they impose a #CDiff step therapy requirement protocol on feces #Rebyota #FMT #PriorAuth @pharmalot @DermHAG @drrachelrubin @Jane_White2 @LeahHoustonMD @crappiedoc @TEinsteinMD @DrLizaMD @lasereyedoc @JCLinMD”
Alex Shteynshlyuger MD on Twitter
Ferring Receives U.S. FDA Approval for REBYOTA™ (fecal microbiota, live-jslm) – A Novel First-in-Class Microbiota-Based Live Biotherapeutic - Ferring Pharmaceuticals USA
Ferring Receives U.S. FDA Approval for REBYOTA™ (fecal microbiota, live-jslm) – A Novel First-in-Class Microbiota-Based Live Biotherapeutic - Ferring Pharmaceuticals USA
Ferring’s novel first-in-class REBYOTA is indicated for the prevention of recurrence of Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) in individuals 18 years of age and older, following antibiotic treatment for recurrent CDI The safety and efficacy of REBYOTA was studied in the largest clinical trial program in the field of microbiome-based therapeutics, including five clinical trials with more than 1,000 participants Recurrent …
Ferring Receives U.S. FDA Approval for REBYOTA™ (fecal microbiota, live-jslm) – A Novel First-in-Class Microbiota-Based Live Biotherapeutic - Ferring Pharmaceuticals USA
Faecal microbiota transplantation for recurrent C. difficile infections: challenges and improvement opportunities for clinical practice and healthcare systems
Faecal microbiota transplantation for recurrent C. difficile infections: challenges and improvement opportunities for clinical practice and healthcare systems
Faecal Microbiota Transplantation for recurrent C. difficile infections: Challenges and improvement opportunities and research needs for clinical practice and healthcare systems.
Faecal microbiota transplantation for recurrent C. difficile infections: challenges and improvement opportunities for clinical practice and healthcare systems
Emad El-Omar on Twitter
Emad El-Omar on Twitter
WHYfaecal #microbiota transplantation (#FMT) has variable efficacy in treating UC ⬇️➡️2-3 kg of our weight are our friends🦠🦠🦠➡️more than 95% of the genetic material in our body does not belong to us 🧬↖️In this case would be it so simple to 🤓🤦‍♂️— Robert Dudkowiak MD, PhD (@drRobinDud) December 10, 2022
Emad El-Omar on Twitter
Faecal microbiota transplantation for recurrent C. difficile infections: challenges and improvement opportunities for clinical practice and healthcare systems - PubMed
Faecal microbiota transplantation for recurrent C. difficile infections: challenges and improvement opportunities for clinical practice and healthcare systems - PubMed
Effectively bringing FMT to patients in a healthcare system requires much more than just the existence of a clinically effective procedure. With FMT being a potentially effective treatment option for recurrent CDI for many patients, a well-rounded understanding of how appropriate FMT capacity can be …
Faecal microbiota transplantation for recurrent C. difficile infections: challenges and improvement opportunities for clinical practice and healthcare systems - PubMed
Fecal microbiota transplantation in childhood: past, present, and future - PubMed
Fecal microbiota transplantation in childhood: past, present, and future - PubMed
Concepts of FMT in pediatric diseases have been updated with respect to underlying mechanisms, methodology, indications, and safety. Evidence-based clinical trials for the use of FMT in pediatric diseases should be introduced to resolve the challenges of dosage, duration, initiation, and the end poi …
Fecal microbiota transplantation in childhood: past, present, and future - PubMed
Biocodex Microbiota Institute on Twitter
Biocodex Microbiota Institute on Twitter
In @FrontMicrobiol: 👉"possible mechanism of #NeurodegenerativeDiseases caused by abnormal accumulation of #pathogenic #proteins mediated by #GutMicrobiota [...]👉therapeutic potential of #DietaryTherapy and #FecalMicrobiotaTransplantation"#FMT— Biocodex Microbiota Institute (@Microbiota_Inst) December 9, 2022
Biocodex Microbiota Institute on Twitter
Michael Chiorean on Twitter
Michael Chiorean on Twitter
A C. Difficile First! FDA approves the first enema-based therapy for #cdiff - Rebyota - which should simplify the access to this important treatment option for our patients. Looking fwd to comparative trials with oral FMT— Michael Chiorean (@mchiorean4) December 1, 2022
Michael Chiorean on Twitter
Sahil Khanna, MBBS, MS, FACG, AGAF (he/him) on Twitter
Sahil Khanna, MBBS, MS, FACG, AGAF (he/him) on Twitter
@US_FDA Approves RBX2660 / Rebyota by @Rebiotix and @FerringUSA @FerringMBiome for management of recurrent #CdiffWhat a defining moment for Microbiome Therapeutics and Medicine. A new frontier in management of acute and chronic diseases— Sahil Khanna, MBBS, MS, FACG, AGAF (he/him) (@Khanna_S) November 30, 2022
Sahil Khanna, MBBS, MS, FACG, AGAF (he/him) on Twitter
Professor Debbie Shawcross — Inside Matters Podcast
Professor Debbie Shawcross — Inside Matters Podcast
In episode eight of Inside Matters we speak with Professor Debbie Shawcross about the gut-liver-brain axis, the microbiome in liver disease and treating cirrhosis through the microbiome
Professor Debbie Shawcross — Inside Matters Podcast
RT @DrAlexUrology: The biggest innovation: feces are now covered by your health plan. You won’t be able to get feces without #PriorAuth. Fe…
RT @DrAlexUrology: The biggest innovation: feces are now covered by your health plan. You won’t be able to get feces without #PriorAuth. Fe…
The biggest innovation: feces are now covered by your health plan. You won’t be able to get feces without #PriorAuth. Feces require a prior authorization! #FixPriorAuth #AdminSimp #PriorAuthCPT #feces #FMT #cdiff— Alex Shteynshlyuger MD (@DrAlexUrology) December 1, 2022
RT @DrAlexUrology: The biggest innovation: feces are now covered by your health plan. You won’t be able to get feces without #PriorAuth. Fe…
gutsphere on Twitter
gutsphere on Twitter
All of these #gutmicrobiome studies and #FMT studies has been possible because of rapidly decreasing cost of DNA sequencing.Ten years ago, it cost about $10,000 to sequence a human genome. A few years ago, that fell to $1,000. Today, it’s about $600.— gutsphere (@realgutsphere) November 30, 2022
gutsphere on Twitter
Microbial determinants of effective donors in faecal microbiota transplantation for UC
Microbial determinants of effective donors in faecal microbiota transplantation for UC
Objective Faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has variable efficacy in treating UC. Recently, oral lyophilised FMT was found to induce remission in patients with UC, with one donor having 100% efficacy compared with a second donor (36% efficacy). We characterised differences in the gut microbiota of these two donors with the aim of improving FMT donor selection. Design Faecal samples from the two donors were collected over a period of 44 (donor 1) or 70 (donor 2) weeks. The microbiome and metabolome were profiled using shotgun metagenomics and untargeted metabolomics Results Gut microbiome long-term stability was highly evident in the effective donor. Donor microbiota species evenness was a robust feature associated with clinical efficacy across two clinical trials of FMT in UC, leading to increased donor species engraftment in patients. Alpha diversity and beta diversity of donor gut microbiotas significantly differed. 90 bacterial species and one archaeon were differentially abundant between donors, 44 of which were 0.1% in relative abundance. 17/44 species were enriched in the effective donor, 11 of which (64.7%) were assembled into high-quality genomes that were prevalent (≥75% samples) in that donor, and six showed evidence of engraftment in patients. Taxonomic differences between donors translated to substantial microbial functional differences that were validated using metabolomics. Conclusion Donor microbiota stability and species evenness were identified as novel metrics that were associated with therapeutic efficacy in UC, beyond individual microbial species or metabolites. These metrics may represent community resilience that translates to better engraftment in the host. Trial registration number ACTRN12619000611123. Data are available in a public, open access repository. The raw shotgun metagenomics reads, and the associated metagenomic-assembled genomes were submitted to the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) under the accession PRJEB50699. 16S rRNA gene amplicon reads are publicly available in ENA under the accession PRJEB48134.
Microbial determinants of effective donors in faecal microbiota transplantation for UC
Gut Microbiota # 16
Gut Microbiota # 16
By Pr. Satu Pekkala Academy of Finland Research Fellow, Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Gut Microbiota # 16
An Australian perspective on monkeypox virus and stool transplants
An Australian perspective on monkeypox virus and stool transplants
We read with interest Ianiro and colleagues' recommendations1 about monkeypox virus and faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT), also known as stool transplants. This European expert panel indicated donor screening should include the identification of high-risk donors and additional evaluation of prodromal non-specific symptoms and skin lesions, or contact with a case. Additional laboratory testing was deemed not clinically justified.
An Australian perspective on monkeypox virus and stool transplants
Why this biotech start-up needs you to donate your poo
Why this biotech start-up needs you to donate your poo
Ellerston-backed BiomeBank needs people to donate their excrement for its groundbreaking therapies for intestinal infections and inflammatory bowel disease.
Why this biotech start-up needs you to donate your poo
FDA Approves First Fecal Microbiota Product
FDA Approves First Fecal Microbiota Product
Ferring Pharmaceuticals’ Rebyota was approved for the prevention of recurrence of Clostridioides difficile infection.
FDA Approves First Fecal Microbiota Product