Faecal microbiota transplantation as a treatment for functional GI disorders- are we there yet? #AGW2022 #microbiome #FMT @bresch23 pic.twitter.com/FytukyF8AX— Adelaide IBD Group (@ADL_IBD) September 11, 2022
Nice weekend reading: summary of selected prebiotic, probiotic, and microbiome data presented at the International Scientific Conference of Probiotics, Prebiotics, Gut Microbiota and Health via @EMJReviews https://t.co/iOLzeAk4r8 pic.twitter.com/QGfHgMhERy— GutMicrobiota Health (@GMFHx) September 9, 2022
Have you seen the 'Infographics' section of our website? We've developed some useful infographics summarizing what current science says on available tools for improving health through the gut microbiome: https://t.co/QaYlQK2rYs pic.twitter.com/utgDEvoqEc— GutMicrobiota Health (@GMFHx) September 9, 2022
Gut microbes may be joining the fight against #cancer. Over 30 #fecaltransplant (#FMT) trials show that the #gut #microbiome can affect the progression of distant tumors, certain cancer treatments, and the body’s #immuneresponse to cancer. https://t.co/ibci5GJDdV— Bagamian Scientific Consulting LLC (@NE14science) September 2, 2022
The evaluation of fecal microbiota transplantation vs vancomycin in a Clostridioides difficile infection model
Vancomycin is the preferred treatment for Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) but has been associated with a high recurrence rate of CDI in treated patients. Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has emerged as a remarkably successful treatment for recurrent CDI (rCDI). Herein, we present a mo …
World's first mini organ transportation to a patient with ulcerative colitis
Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) research team announced on July 7 that it has succeeded in the world's first clinical transplantation of a "mini organ" (also called an organoid) into a patient ...
.@gianluca1aniro: Fecal microbiota transplants have changes the evolution course of C. difficile infection and reduces the need for surgery and increases overall survival @esnm_eu #GMFHCoverage pic.twitter.com/pvhVJHLdPA— GutMicrobiota Health (@GMFHx) September 6, 2022
.@gianluca1aniro: FMT in clinical practice is under-implemented despite its efficacy. This needs the rise of awareness of this treatment modality to meet the current patients' needs @esnm_eu #GMFHCoverage pic.twitter.com/GRGp44Aibh— GutMicrobiota Health (@GMFHx) September 6, 2022
.@gianluca1aniro quicks off his talk by highlighting that an imbalance of the microbiome secondary to social, environmental and lifestyle factors is the underlying trigger driving C. difficile infection @esnm_eu #GMFHCoverage pic.twitter.com/iKdEQ9bcG2— GutMicrobiota Health (@GMFHx) September 6, 2022
Despite the FMT efficacy, @gianluca1aniro highlights its safety issues and also important to acknowledge barriers that difficult its implementation @esnm_eu #GMFHCoverage pic.twitter.com/5sTIwaNZ4x— GutMicrobiota Health (@GMFHx) September 6, 2022
.@gianluca1aniro: Some potential solutions to overcome barriers to dissemination FMT include the lack of dedicated centres, bureaucracy and donor recruitment. Managing a center specialized in FMT is challenging! @esnm_eu #GMFHCoverage pic.twitter.com/rkDVvapQMM— GutMicrobiota Health (@GMFHx) September 6, 2022
.@gianluca1aniro: There are 3 important steps that shape the success of fecal microbiota transplantation:✅ donor screening (screening is a must!)✅ infusate preparation ✅ fecal delivery @esnm_eu #GMFHCoverage pic.twitter.com/34DyskGOc1— GutMicrobiota Health (@GMFHx) September 6, 2022
#FMT affects brain inflammation and glia activation: @JasmohanBajaj transplanted stools of HE patients into germ-free mice and found higher frontal cortex markers IBA-1, IL1beta and MCP-1 if FMT done before abx Rx. Stool supernatant had no effect. @AASLDtweets #LiverMtg19 pic.twitter.com/MYO04yWzvN— Gyorgy Baffy (@gbaffy) November 12, 2019
I’m convinced that a major cause of self injurious behaviors, which R devastating & can result in sibs in counseling, is GI pain. #JimAdams in #AZ doing #FMT on kids like mine w/amazing success. Why can’t we get more than 1 study funded??? How is this not a priority? @IACC_Autism https://t.co/6009xpPG2j— katie wright (@katiewr31413491) September 4, 2022
Exploring the role and mechanism of gut microbiota in methamphetamine addiction using antibiotic treatment followed by fecal microbiota transplantation - PubMed
Recently, the role of the gut microbiota in the context of drug addiction has attracted the attention of researchers; however, the specific effects and underlying mechanisms require further exploration. To accomplish this, C57BL/6 mice were firstly treated with methamphetamine (MA). Conditioned plac …
Sixty seconds on . . . faecal transplants - The BMJ
Hundreds of people with recurrent bacterial infections could be treated using gut bacteria taken from a healthy donor’s poo, after the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommended the treatment for recurrent Clostridium difficile infections.1 C difficile infections can occur when the balance of bacteria in the bowel …
Nature - Faecal transplants have helped some people to overcome resistance to powerful immunotherapies. Now dozens of trials are taking aim at the cancer–microbiome connection.
[Fecal microbiota transplantation: indications, risks and opportunities] - PubMed
Fecal microbiome transfer (FMT) involving the transfer of the microbiome of healthy stool donors to patients with various diseases has been performed in Germany in clinical studies and individual treatment attempts. There is no doubt that FMT is an effective therapeutic principle for recurrent Clost …
Freeze-dried FMT allows for more flexibility in storage and handling conditions, including being stable at room temp for 96 hours and 12 months at 4°C! Learn more at https://t.co/wwZBtIoLYv#FMT #gutmicrobiome #microbiome #guthealth #cdiff pic.twitter.com/EXN9MoujXd— Novel Biome (@NovelBiome) August 31, 2022
Faecal transplants to be offered to hundreds with antibiotic-resistant superbug | UK News | Sky News
The section of faecal transplant from a healthy donor will be swallowed within a pill, or delivered through a tube inserted directly into the stomach, via the nose, or colon - and could save the NHS thousands of pounds.
Human gut microbiota after bariatric surgery alters intestinal morphology and glucose absorption in mice independently of obesity | Gut
Objective Bariatric surgery is an effective treatment for type 2 diabetes (T2D) that changes gut microbial composition. We determined whether the gut microbiota in humans after restrictive or malabsorptive bariatric surgery was sufficient to lower blood glucose. Design Women with obesity and T2D had biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD-DS) or laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG). Faecal samples from the same patient before and after each surgery were used to colonise rodents, and determinants of blood glucose control were assessed. Results Glucose tolerance was improved in germ-free mice orally colonised for 7 weeks with human microbiota after either BPD-DS or LSG, whereas food intake, fat mass, insulin resistance, secretion and clearance were unchanged. Mice colonised with microbiota post-BPD-DS had lower villus height/width and crypt depth in the distal jejunum and lower intestinal glucose absorption. Inhibition of sodium-glucose cotransporter (Sglt)1 abrogated microbiota-transmissible improvements in blood glucose control in mice. In specific pathogen-free (SPF) rats, intrajejunal colonisation for 4 weeks with microbiota post-BPD-DS was sufficient to improve blood glucose control, which was negated after intrajejunal Sglt-1 inhibition. Higher Parabacteroides and lower Blautia coincided with improvements in blood glucose control after colonisation with human bacteria post-BPD-DS and LSG. Conclusion Exposure of rodents to human gut microbiota after restrictive or malabsorptive bariatric surgery improves glycaemic control. The gut microbiota after bariatric surgery is a standalone factor that alters upper gut intestinal morphology and lowers Sglt1-mediated intestinal glucose absorption, which improves blood glucose control independently from changes in obesity, insulin or insulin resistance. Data are available on reasonable request.