INDIANAPOLIS – Avian Influenza, H5N1, or simply the bird flu, is continuing to cause problems for farmers across the state. Just within the last week, the Indiana State Board of Animal Health…
Argentina confirms case of avian influenza in domestic birds - Poultry World
Argentina has confirmed a case of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in backyard poultry in the province of Chaco following laboratory analyses of
Department of Agriculture calls nationwide bird flu outbreak the 'largest animal health emergency'
In Indiana alone, 17 facilities tested positive for bird flu.------------------------------------------------------------------Read more on https://www.whas1...
Report: Trump Administration Moving Away from Depopulation for Bird Flu
The Trump administration is looking to move away from depopulating entire flocks infected by Bird Flu. The focus will instead be on biosecurity and medication to contain the outbreaks. Reuters reports that the USDA has given conditional
Over 100,000 new bird flu cases reported in Pennsylvania
(WHTM) – The Centers for Disease Control says bird flu has affected multiple flocks in Central Pennsylvania. Bird flu was detected at a Lancaster County commercial broiler production flock of…
Wyoming woman hospitalized with bird flu after virus kills her chickens
A Wyoming woman has been hospitalized with the bird flu after her backyard chicken flock contracted the disease and died, state and federal health officials said.
Bosnia Reports H5N1 Bird Flu on Poultry Farm, WOAH Says
Bosnia has reported an outbreak of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza, the World Organisation for Animal Health said on Tuesday, as a seasonal wave of the disease known...
Wind-blown avian feces may be route of transmission for bird flu, infectious disease expert warns
Dr. Michael Osterholm says that the primary kind of birds impacted by the flu is migratory waterfowl, like geese and ducks, and these birds often hang out in farm fields where they defecate.
Bird Flu Spreads Across China, Infected Poultry Sold in Markets, Residents Report
A severe avian influenza outbreak has struck several provinces in China. Residents say infected chickens are still being allowed into the market. “We hope everyone pays attention,” pleaded Goose-Goose, a Chinese poultry farmer, in a recent video highlighting an avian flu outbreak impacting meat ducks and breeding geese in Shandong, Henan, and Hebei provinces. In […]
The role of mechanically-ventilated chicken buildings with high population densities in facilitating windborne transmission of bird flu
Understanding the transmission routes of high-pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) is crucial for developing effective control measures to prevent its spread. In this context, windborne transmission, the idea that the virus can travel through the air over considerable distances, is a contentious concept and, documented cases are rare. Here, though, we provide genetic evidence supporting the feasibility of windborne transmission. During the 2023-24 HPAI season, molecular surveillance identified identical H5N1 strains among a cluster of unrelated commercial farms about 8 km apart in the Czech Republic. The episode started with the abrupt mortality of fattening ducks on one farm and was followed by disease outbreaks at two nearby high-biosecurity chicken farms. Using genetic, epizootiological, meteorological and geographical data, we reconstructed a mosaic of events strongly suggesting wind was the mechanism of infection transmission between poultry in at least two independent cases. By aligning the genetic and meteorological data with critical outbreak events, we determined the most likely time window during which the transmission occurred and inferred the sequence of infected houses at the recipient sites. Our results suggest that the contaminated plume emitted from the infected fattening duck farm was the critical medium of HPAI transmission, rather than the dust generated during depopulation. Furthermore, they also strongly implicate the role of confined mechanically-ventilated buildings with high population densities in facilitating windborne transmission and propagating virus concentrations below the minimum infectious dose at the recipient sites. These findings underscore the importance of considering windborne spread in future outbreak mitigation strategies.
### Competing Interest Statement
The authors have declared no competing interest.
Genetic characteristics and pathogenesis of clade H5N1 high pathogenicity avian influenza virus isolated from poultry in South Korea, 2022-2023 - PubMed
During the 2022-2023 winter season in South Korea, a novel clade H5N1 HPAIV was first detected in wild birds, which then subsequently caused multiple outbreaks in poultry farms and wild birds. This study aimed to investigate the genetic characteristics of H5N1 HPAIVs isolated during the 202 …
But on Monday, the agency revealed that available data indicates D1.1 last year likely infected a total of 15 people in five states — Iowa, Louisiana, Oregon, Washington and Wisconsin — all related to poultry.
912,000 Birds Impacted as Bird Flu Hits Egg Production Facility in Jay County
More than 912,000 birds have been impacted following the detection of the Bird Flu virus at a commercial egg production facility in Jay County in east-central Indiana, according to the Indiana State Board of Animal Health. State