Demographic Factors Tied to Differences in Long COVID Symptoms
FRIDAY, Aug. 30, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- Demographic factors significantly influence long COVID symptom severity, according to a study published online Aug. 28
Covid associated with increased risk for hearing loss in young adults
The hearing loss risk size after covid was higher than expected, even after adjusting for other factors such as age, sex, income, metabolic profiles and lifestyle.
There’s no good lab test to spot long COVID Health Day: Grace McComsey, professor and vice dean of clinical and translational research at the School of Medicine, discussed “long COVID” symptoms, a group of health problems persisting or developing after an initial period of COVID-19 infection, which can last weeks, months or years and are often debilitating. “Until a reliable biomarker is found, the best diagnostic modality… remains the old-fashioned history-taking and clinical assessment,” she said.
Internal tremors: Adding to the list of long COVID symptoms
Long COVID has a laundry list of symptoms—and a lesser-known but troubling one is the sensation of having internal tremors, often with no outward evidence that this is happening. In a new, Yale-based ...
Lupus risk higher after mRNA vaccination against COVID-19
Patients who received an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine demonstrated a 1.16-fold higher long-term risk for systemic lupus erythematosus, while a booster was linked to higher risk for psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis, according to data. However, the risks for developing most autoimmune connective tissue diseases — such as systemic sclerosis, Sjögren’s disease and ankylosing spondylitis
'Long COVID' & his gang of symptoms star in Pima Health comic - Click pic for more:
Long COVID and his gang of symptoms are the focus of a new Pima County Health Department campaign: a comic book with a main character who'll appear this weekend at Tucson Comic-Con.
Myocarditis risks linked to COVID-19 vaccination explained
Study examined myocarditis risks linked to COVID-19 mRNA vaccination, COVID-19 infection, and other causes. It found increased myocarditis incidence after vaccination but significantly lower mortality and hospitalization rates compared to myocarditis from other causes.
I've been vaxxed but long Covid destroyed my life and left me bedbound
Kirsty Huxter, 46, from Essex suffered so badly with long Covid she was 'scared' to move in case she had 'a heart attack', despite having three vaccines against the virus.
Internal Tremors: Adding to the List of Long COVID Symptoms
An ongoing study by Yale scientists has uncovered another nagging symptom of Long COVID: internal tremors that patients feel but are hard for health providers
Children and adolescents experience unique long COVID symptoms
By Hugo Francisco de Souza In a recent study published in the journal JAMA , researchers attempted to characterize childhood long COVID by investigating its most common disease symptoms in children (6-11 yrs; n = 898) and adolescents (12-17; n = 4,478). Study: Characterizing Long C...
Long COVID Symptoms Affect Multiple Organ Systems in School-Age Children
Rose Lehane Tureen, a 16-year-old from Maine, faces a battle that few can imagine—a relentless headache that’s persisted for over four years, a constant reminder of her long COVID diagnosis. Despite this, she hasn’t let the debilitating symptoms halt her ambitions. As the world moves on from the pandemic, many young people still grapple with...
Index of Symptoms Can Identify Long COVID in Children, Adolescents
Postacute sequelae of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection (PASC) can be identified using an index of symptoms, which differs for school-aged children and adolescents.
I experienced a shattering of everything familiar. My body was no longer my body. The things that used to help me get by in a day – walking, exercise, rest – didn’t make a difference