Kiwi startup Orah signs Mark Zuckerberg's school, raises millions - NZ Herald
'We're not lazy': Students want universities to keep uploading lecture recordings online
A digital divide in how children use devices is worrying researchers |
Taking our edtech to the world - EdTechNZ
Effort kicks off to help get kids cyber-savvy | ITP Techblog
Design Principles for E-Learning
In February 2021 the Canadian eLearning Network (CANeLearn) began engaging educators across Canada in facilitated conversations about teaching in online learning environments. The work began in British Columbia. The purpose of that study was to gain an understanding of the lived experiences of online educators and of those who came to online education during the COVID-19 Pandemic. In March 2021 CANeLearn published the report Design Principles for Online Learning: BC Study (Crichton & Kinsel, 2021) which shared findings from the British Columbia study.
Courts Recognize Constitutional Harms from Invasive School Surveillance - Center for Democracy and Technology
The good and bad of virtual on-demand tutoring
Ecosystem: Online education initiative launches to build NZ "grassroots" entrepreneur pipeline
How AI will change Education: Part I 🤖 Transcend Newsletter #59
French Government kicks Microsoft 365 and Google Docs out of schools
French authorities declare the use of Microsoft Office and Google Docs illegal in schools and education markets, as they don’t follow GDPR and might disturb later competition by making students used to these proprietary solutions.
karen spencer – Let's talk about learning and leading
Category/Education/elementary - Free Software Directory
Navigating Edtech Compliance in a Global Market - EdTech Digest
'We Need the Equivalent of the National Weather Service for Education Technology' - EdTech Digest
Education technology - an intro to what's moving the market.
Investigating the financial power brokers behind EdTech
NORRAG –EdTech’s precarious futures: are there material limits to data-driven higher education? - NORRAG -
Why it’s wrong to blame online learning for causing mental health issues during COVID-19 — University Affairs
Postsecondary student mental health is in crisis: Research shows students’ mental health was adversely affected in the pandemic, and this falls on the heels of pre-existing concerns that campuses were struggling to keep up with demands for mental health services.
Over the last two-and-a-half years, many people — including educators, academics, education administrators, politicians and political commentators have argued that online learning is detrimental to student or family mental health or well-being.
Ethical Guidelines on the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data in Teaching and Learning for Educators
40 page PDF
EdTech Means Nothing – Assorted Stuff
EdTech is too all-encompassing as a term, there are many nuances which we should take into account.
Open EdTech Launch Paper 2022 v 0.9 - Google Docs
This paper presents an initial vision for a complete, global system of education technology that can support quality education (for humans and AI) in every sector[, and is open source].
(1) Open Learning in the Fediverse - YouTube
As a new generation of digital technologies evolves we are awash in new terms and concepts: the metaverse, the fediverse, blockchain, web3, acitivitypub, and more. This presentation untangles these concepts and presents them from the perspective of their impact on open learning. It describes and demonstrates with working examples that anyone case use the potential and the pitfalls of a distributed and decentralized open online learning environment. Participants will see clearly the relation between such diverse concepts as digital badges and credentials, cloud-based services, open data management, activity records and tools interoperability, and persistent digital objects such as digital IDs and non-fungible tokens.
Top 100 Tools for Learning 2022 – Results of the 16th Annual Survey
As a result of the 16th Annual Tools for Learning survey, [the author has], this year, generated a list of 100 Top Tools for Learning. Why, since last year I produced a list of 300 tools? There are two main reasons for this: firstly, fewer people voted this year, but secondly, and more significantly, far fewer tools were nominated this year.
‘I’m afraid’: critics of anti-cheating technology for students hit by lawsuits | US news | The Guardian
New technology meant to detect cheating by students taking tests at home could invade privacy, raise anxiety and be discriminatory
Five thoughtful ways to approach artificial intelligence in schools | EduResearch Matters
50 Reasons Why There Are No Māori in Your Science Department | Published in Journal of Global Indigeneity
France says non to Office 365 and Google Workspace in school • The Register
Eric Curtis's EdTech links of the week
Education Partnership & Innovation Trust | EPIT (NZ)
Creating equitable education outcomes for learners