I regret never having bought one back in the day. I’ll absolutely have to get the new one. I did buy and still own a SteamLink, although haven’t used it in years. Just used an Xbox controller with it back then.
Absolutely love my SteamDeck so if the new controller builds on that I’m all in!
"The Apple II line of computers had an amazing run, from 1977 to 1993. In that time, hundreds of thousands of pieces of software were written for it, including many tens of thousands of games. Like any platform, however, the number of truly great games within that range is much smaller. If you ask any former (or current) Apple II user what the best five games on the platform are, there would be variation of course, but one game would be on everyone’s list: Choplifter."
Saved because I didn't play the Apple II version, but I loved it on the CBM64!