
Another linter of sorts for Python, with an emphasis on code style as defined in PEP 8. I tend to use pylint for linting but this seems to be in favour when using lsp-mode in Emacs.
Problems with Emacs on macOS
Problems with Emacs on macOS

A Twitter thread about issues with Emacs on macOS and how to work around or plain solve them.

Honestly, as someone who's 100% Emacs/macOS, I'd not really noticed any of these -- but I always run Emacs as a fullscreen application in its own desktop space.

Problems with Emacs on macOS
Site that sort of provides active JavaScript notebooks, with a view to doing most/all of the work on the client side. I was sort of hoping there'd be a self-host option or something and I'm not seeing that. On the other hand it could be a good tool for tinkering with and prototyping code.
How To Forgive Someone : Life Kit : NPR
How To Forgive Someone : Life Kit : NPR
An interesting essay on the importance of forgiveness, and how it can be about personal recovery rather than letting someone off the hook for abuse. It’s a tough lesson to learn, but ultimately useful, I’ve found.
How To Forgive Someone : Life Kit : NPR
Colorize your CLI
Colorize your CLI
Blog post that documents some different ways, and some useful tools, for giving more colour to the CLI.
Colorize your CLI
Glance – Quick Look Plugin
Glance – Quick Look Plugin
Extension for Quick Look on macOS that nicely handles all sorts of source code, etc. Especially of interest because it properly renders Markdown documents.
Glance – Quick Look Plugin