
Estimate Github Worth Generator
Estimate Github Worth Generator
Totally pointless but mildly amusing web app that checks the "worth" of your GitHub profile.
Estimate Github Worth Generator
Terminal Emulators Battle Royale – Unicode Edition!
Terminal Emulators Battle Royale – Unicode Edition!

It turns out that Unicode support in Terminals is a lot more difficult than it first appears. A quick overview of special support for Unicode characters in Terminals:

  • "Wide" or "Fullwidth" characters, particularly for East Asian languages and emojis, are codepoints that occupy two cells in a terminal instead of one.
  • "Zero" width combining characters used in languages such as Arabic, Hebrew, or Hindi do not occupy any cells themselves; instead, they modify the previous character.
  • "Zero Width Joiner" (ZWJ U+200D) reduces and combines many codepoints into a single emoji. This is similar to combining, but encoded in a completely different way.
  • "Variation Selector-16" (VS-16 U+FE0F) is a special character that, for specific "Narrow" emojis consuming one cell, causes them to become "Wide", consuming two cells.
Terminal Emulators Battle Royale – Unicode Edition!
Context Free Art
Context Free Art
Context Free is a program that generates images from written instructions called a grammar. The program follows the instructions in a few seconds to create images that can contain millions of shapes.
Context Free Art
Generally I'm a fan of and use Magnet; but this looks cool and is worth remembering if I ever want to try something else out.
Genetic Algorithms for Evolution of QWOP Gaits
Genetic Algorithms for Evolution of QWOP Gaits
QWOP is a browser-based, 2-dimensional flash game in which the player controls an Olympic sprinter competing in a simulated 100-meter race. The goal of the game is to advance the runner to the end of the 100-meter race as quickly as possible using the Q, W, O, and P keys, which control the muscles in the sprinters legs. Despite the game simple controls and straightforward goal, it is renowned for its difficulty and unintuitive gameplay. In this paper, we attempt to automatically discover effective QWOP gaits. We describe a programmatic interface developed to play the game, and we introduce several variants of a genetic algorithm tailored to solve this problem. We present experimental results on the effectiveness of various representations, initialization strategies, evolution paradigms, and parameter control mechanisms.
Genetic Algorithms for Evolution of QWOP Gaits
HTTP raccoons
HTTP raccoons

HTTP status codes as raccoons as a service.

Kinda like the cat one, only with less cat and more raccoon.

HTTP raccoons
La Terminal in VisionOS
La Terminal in VisionOS
La Terminal is now running in VisionOS. Based on the video, it looks exactly like the sort of VR terminal experience I’ve been wanting (albeit in PCVR or Quest native)for ages now!
La Terminal in VisionOS
My User Experience Porting Off
My User Experience Porting Off
There seems to be a lot of confusion around and friends; and while I’ve seen pushback against this post (mostly sniffy gatekeeper stuff rather than helpful feedback), it’s a worthwhile read if only because the confusion is real.
My User Experience Porting Off
How does iCloud work?
How does iCloud work?
Handy wee blog all about how iCloud works; especially useful for those of us who sometimes run into problems with it not working.
How does iCloud work?