
We Shall Fight Them in The Strips: Dudley Watkins and the Battle of Britain - The Gutter Review
We Shall Fight Them in The Strips: Dudley Watkins and the Battle of Britain - The Gutter Review

Someone has suggested to me, without any sources cited, that DC Thomson was a supporter of the Nazi regime back in the 1930s (similar to the history of the Daily Mail, it seems).

I've gone looking for evidence of this claim and found nothing; I did find this though, which was kind of interesting.

We Shall Fight Them in The Strips: Dudley Watkins and the Battle of Britain - The Gutter Review
The tweet that suggested hashtags, before they wete called hashtags
The tweet that suggested hashtags, before they wete called hashtags

From what I've been able to see on the Net, this is the tweet that first suggested using a hash and a symbolic name to group together tweets by subject.

I can remember, back in the day, using this and an external website to then search particular tags on Twitter. Sadly I forget the name of the website.

The tweet that suggested hashtags, before they wete called hashtags
Visual git History
Visual git History
Neat site that provides an animated view of the history of a file in git (well, mostly on GitHub and similar forges). Could be handy if ever needing to demonstrate how some code evolved.
Visual git History