
#python #programming
GitHub - sdispater/poetry: Python dependency management and packaging made easy.
GitHub - sdispater/poetry: Python dependency management and packaging made easy.

Possible replacement for pipenv. Seems to do a lot of what I would need, and perhaps some more; but also appears to be missing some things I do find useful about pipenv.

For example: I do like how pipenv sweeps up the whole venv thing in what feels like a sensible way. poetry doesn't appear to handle that sort of thing (by design, as far as I can tell).

GitHub - sdispater/poetry: Python dependency management and packaging made easy.
python - PyLint "Unable to import" error - how to set PYTHONPATH? - Stack Overflow
python - PyLint "Unable to import" error - how to set PYTHONPATH? - Stack Overflow
Very handy solution to the problem of making a project you're working on available to its own tests. While this tends not to be an issue for linting from the command line (I use a Makefile and sort the PYTHONPATH when doing the linting), but from within Emacs with flycheck it can be more awkward.
python - PyLint "Unable to import" error - how to set PYTHONPATH? - Stack Overflow