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Between 2009 and 2012, iPhones had a built-in "Send to YouTube" button in the Photos app. Many of these uploads kept their default IMG_XXXX filenames, creating a time capsule of raw, unedited moments from random lives. This website lets you wander through such videos.
Visual Voicemail | Vodafone
Visual Voicemail | Vodafone

For some reason it's taken me until my third iPhone, and almost 5 years, to realise that you can turn up the on-phone voicemail facility when using Vodafone.

Amazing what you can find when you RTFM.

Visual Voicemail | Vodafone
iOS 18 beta removed option to track time in bed with iPhone
iOS 18 beta removed option to track time in bed with iPhone

Having finally switched to using pure-Apple-ecosystem for sleep tracking, I was curious why I wasn't getting any sort of "time in bed" value recorded (as opposed to time asleep). The previous (iOS-based) tracking app did it just fine.

Turns out it used to be an option that was set on the phone, and iOS 18 seems to have taken it away, but still reports it (as nothing recorded).


iOS 18 beta removed option to track time in bed with iPhone
Time Lines
Time Lines
Simple Apple/iOS-oriented app that visually shows you "when" your contacts are. Handy at-a-glance view of how available people (and I guess resources) are across timezones.
Time Lines