Announcing Casual ImageA new major mode for Emacs that allows for easy image editing.#editor#emacs#emacs-lisp#free-software#image-editing#lisp··Jan 31, 2025Announcing Casual Image
Blurring the lines between shell and editorCool things to do to blur the line between Emacs and Eshell.#emacs#tips#shell#eshell#emacs-lisp#lisp··Feb 29, 2024Blurring the lines between shell and editor
Elisp in replacement stringSomething I've never really paid attention to, and it's actually quite a powerful feature: when doing search/repalce in Emacs you can replace with Elisp code (as in, Elisp code can provide the replacement).#emacs#lisp#elisp#emacs-lisp#blog#tutorial··Jan 12, 2024Elisp in replacement string