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(How to Write a (Lisp) Interpreter (in Python))
(How to Write a (Lisp) Interpreter (in Python))
This page has two purposes: to describe how to implement computer language interpreters in general, and in particular to build an interpreter for most of the Scheme dialect of Lisp using Python 3 as the implementation language. I call my language and interpreter Lispy ( Years ago, I showed how to write a semi-practical Scheme interpreter Java and in in Common Lisp). This time around the goal is to demonstrate, as concisely and simply as possible, what Alan Kay called "Maxwell's Equations of Software."
(How to Write a (Lisp) Interpreter (in Python))
Fixing a Quest 2 that thinks it's in 2037, using SideQuest
Fixing a Quest 2 that thinks it's in 2037, using SideQuest

By the looks of things update 37 has caused problems for some (including me) where the Quest decides it's in 2037. After that the Wi-Fi connection looks like it has limited Internet and few things that need a connection work well.

The fix, other than a factory reset, is to set the time by hand; which the Quest 2 won't let you do. So... SideQuest to the rescue!

Fixing a Quest 2 that thinks it's in 2037, using SideQuest
Problems | Project Lovelace
Problems | Project Lovelace
A pretty neat list of programming problems, that are intented to be solved in a number of languages and the solutions tested. Good for people getting to grips with a new language, or with programming in general.
Problems | Project Lovelace
Deleting Git Branches with Magit
Deleting Git Branches with Magit
As this article says, I've always tended to drop down to the CLI to delete a branch, and ensure it's cleaned from the remote, etc. Somehow I'd never picked up on the fact that Magit just handles this. And of course, it does, Magit does so much!
Deleting Git Branches with Magit