
An anatomical ontology that represents body parts, organs and tissues in a variety of animal species, with a focus on vertebrates
Brew Dog accused of stealing marketing ideas
Brew Dog accused of stealing marketing ideas
Interesting twitter thread about how Brew Dog are accused of taking people's marketing ideas without paying anything for them. One of a long line of negative stories I've read about this company.
Brew Dog accused of stealing marketing ideas
GitHub - sdispater/poetry: Python dependency management and packaging made easy.
GitHub - sdispater/poetry: Python dependency management and packaging made easy.

Possible replacement for pipenv. Seems to do a lot of what I would need, and perhaps some more; but also appears to be missing some things I do find useful about pipenv.

For example: I do like how pipenv sweeps up the whole venv thing in what feels like a sensible way. poetry doesn't appear to handle that sort of thing (by design, as far as I can tell).

GitHub - sdispater/poetry: Python dependency management and packaging made easy.