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How To Forgive Someone : Life Kit : NPR
How To Forgive Someone : Life Kit : NPR
An interesting essay on the importance of forgiveness, and how it can be about personal recovery rather than letting someone off the hook for abuse. It’s a tough lesson to learn, but ultimately useful, I’ve found.
How To Forgive Someone : Life Kit : NPR
Site that sort of provides active JavaScript notebooks, with a view to doing most/all of the work on the client side. I was sort of hoping there'd be a self-host option or something and I'm not seeing that. On the other hand it could be a good tool for tinkering with and prototyping code.
Problems with Emacs on macOS
Problems with Emacs on macOS

A Twitter thread about issues with Emacs on macOS and how to work around or plain solve them.

Honestly, as someone who's 100% Emacs/macOS, I'd not really noticed any of these -- but I always run Emacs as a fullscreen application in its own desktop space.

Problems with Emacs on macOS
Another linter of sorts for Python, with an emphasis on code style as defined in PEP 8. I tend to use pylint for linting but this seems to be in favour when using lsp-mode in Emacs.
Some macOS tips
Some macOS tips
Some I knew, some I didn't. Some handy tips and pointers to useful apps for macOS.
Some macOS tips
AVIF has landed
AVIF has landed
Interesting article about a newer image file format; well worth paying attention to from a web-development perspective.
AVIF has landed
Odd and rather fun digital sound spredsheet.
Conscientious Software
Conscientious Software
Software needs to grow up and become responsible for itself and its own future by participating in its own installation and customization, maintaining its own health, and adapting itself to new circumstances, new users, and new uses. To create such software will require us to change some of our underlying assumptions about how we write programs. A promising approach seems to be to separate software that does the work (allopoietic) from software that keeps the system alive (autopoietic).
Conscientious Software
The process
The process
Reminds me of a couple of such Usenet and mailing lists projects I was party to back in the late 90s and early 2000s. Great set of tracks on this one too.
The process