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#career #weekly-guide
Getting Along: My New Manager Didn’t Give Me the Promotion I Was Promised
Getting Along: My New Manager Didn’t Give Me the Promotion I Was Promised
Not getting a promotion you were promised can bring up a whole host of feelings, from frustration to resentment. In this article, HBR’s advice columnist Amy Gallo answers a question from a reader who is facing this situation and offers advice and resources for how to work through their disappointment while keeping their career growing.
Getting Along: My New Manager Didn’t Give Me the Promotion I Was Promised
5 Relationships You Need to Build a Successful Career
5 Relationships You Need to Build a Successful Career
In the initial stages of your career, one of the most important things you can do is build relationships that will have a significant impact on your life over time. These five relationships can accelerate your path to a promotion, increase your visibility within an organization, and stretch you beyond your comfort zone into to the leader you aspire to be. Mentor: A mentor can help you broaden your functional expertise, grow your emotional intelligence, and learn your company’s unwritten rules. Sponsor: While mentors give you advice and perspective, sponsors advocate on your behalf and in some cases, directly present you with career advancement opportunities. Partner: A partner is an ally or peer who can serve as a sounding board to broaden your perspective. This relationship is fueled by trust, a shared drive to succeed, and the recognition that you can do better together. Competitor: Competition between peers is inevitable. And, when used correctly, it leads to improved performance, breakthrough ideas, and greater drive to get things done. Mentee: Becoming a mentor will teach you how to bring out the best in others, recognize their strength, give feedback, and coach. In turn, it will push you to be better and to strive for more.
5 Relationships You Need to Build a Successful Career
38 Smart Questions to Ask in a Job Interview
38 Smart Questions to Ask in a Job Interview
The opportunity to ask questions at the end of a job interview is one you don’t want to waste. It’s both a chance to continue to prove yourself and to find out whether a position is the right fit for you. In this piece, the author lists sample questions recommended by two career experts and divides them up by category: from how to learn more about your potential boss to how to learn more about a company’s culture. Choose the ones that are more relevant to you, your interests, and the specific job ahead of time. Then write them down — either on a piece of paper or on your phone — and glance at them right before your interview so that they’re fresh in your mind. And, of course, be mindful of the interviewer’s time. If you were scheduled to talk for an hour and they turn to you with five minutes left, choose two or three questions that are most important to you. You will always have more time to ask questions once you have the job offer in hand.
38 Smart Questions to Ask in a Job Interview