Dave's Library

Dave's Library

There’s Seldom Any Traffic on the High Road
There’s Seldom Any Traffic on the High Road
When people are rude, our ego demands we respond in kind with a quick comeback or snide remark. If we give in, we might feel better in the short term, but pay a huge price in the long run. There’s a much better way to diffuse the situation, (and get what you want.)
There’s Seldom Any Traffic on the High Road
A Helpful Guide to Reading Better
A Helpful Guide to Reading Better
Reading more isn’t helpful if you can't retain and apply your new knowledge. This guide offers a system to help you read more deeply and remember what you read for years to come.
A Helpful Guide to Reading Better
Anthropologists have found that we’re very motivated to divide into teams, and once on a team, we’ll work hard to degrade the other team. Over the smallest differences. For the smallest…