Feed Your Career Octopus: Tips For Finding (And Keeping) Awesome Mentors | Fast Company | Business + Innovation
Research shows that mentors are an important and valuable asset for career planning. Everyone from Martha Stewart to Kid President to your high school...
Working hours: Proof that you should get a life | The Economist
DO YOU work too much? Last year we wrote a jolly piece that found an interesting correlation between working hours and output. With higher working hours, labour...
Desperate To Speak: How Emily Blunt Found Her Voice : NPR
The actress stars in the new film Into the Woods, in theaters Thursday. On screen she's a natural. But as a kid, she had a stutter so severe she could hardly say her own name.
Leading Through the Death of a Team Member | Never Too Old To Learn
Earlier this year, my team experienced the sudden tragic death of one of our teammates. I am fortunate to lead a great team. Our team members had been in place and unchanged for over five yea…
NORAD's Santa Tracker Began With A Typo And A Good Sport : NPR
It all started in 1955 with a misprint in a Colorado newspaper and a call to Col. Harry Shoup's secret military hotline. Shoup played along with the tiny voice who called, and a tradition was born.
My Personal Formula for a Winning Resume | Laszlo Bock | LinkedIn
Reinhold Niebuhr wrote a prayer that many of you will recognize. It goes roughly: “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”What does this have to do with looking for a job?Everything.There's a ton of unfairness in the job search process. As a candidate, you can’t control whether a company requires a work visa, whether some executive’s kid has an inside track on your dream job, or whether your interviewer has some private or unconscious bias that will hurt your chances. I&
5 Non-Evil Ways to Get People to Do What You Want, From Dan Pink
I’ve posted about getting people to like you, winning arguments and FBI methods for negotiation — but let’s take it to the next level. There are ways to deal with people who are difficult but brass tacks here, folks: most of the people who cause you problems aren’t going anywhere.
People aren't paying for your time. They're paying for theirs.
Chris Lema writes for the WordPress community, one of the most popular website platforms. People pay him for his consulting time. Or do they? In this article, Chris reminds a lot of us who get hired to provide advice, coaching, or consulting to clients that people aren't really paying for our time. They are paying for theirs.
This article point out how major advances in professiknal development in manfacturing and sports have led to incredible performance advances in those fields. And yet, many fields and professionals struggle with this. Its interesting how the "I'm/we're done learning" still permeates many fields, including some (like education) that should know better. What's the attitude like of the people in your organization for contiuned professional development? Of course everyone gives it lip service, but even in 2014, so many have yet to embrace this. A potentially, huge competitive advantage to groups and organizations who invest in this seriously, especially in industrirs where it's not standard practice.