10 Apps To Boost Brainpower

Dave's Library
A Learning Secret: Don’t Take Notes with a Laptop - Scientific American
Students who used longhand remembered more and had a deeper understanding of the material
Finding the Balance Between Coaching and Managing - Jack Zenger, and Joseph Folkman - Harvard Business Review
Why I Changed My Mind On Homosexuality - YouTube
Sermon by Pastor Danny (Danilo) Cortez at New Heart Community Church, La Mirada, CA. This message was delivered on February 9, 2014. I started a non-profit c...
The Fifty, Swiftly – How Fast Could You Visit All 50 States?
Defiance: Why it happens and what to do about it | BabyCenter
Work Creates Less Stress Than Home, Penn State Researchers Find - WSJ
Research shows we feel less stress at work than at home. So why can't a home be more like an office?
Major Malfunction: Revisiting Challenger - Video - NYTimes.com
Fantastic 20-minute video that examines the organizational politics and lessons from NASA in the Challenger and Columbia accidents.
How to raise rates (particularly an approach for dealing with legacy clients)
We all have those old clients who've been with us so long that they're anchored to our old rates. Here's how I raise rates - even with them.
Are Women Really Better at Multitasking? – Percolator - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher Education
Why Working More Than 40 Hours a Week is Useless | Inc.com
Research shows that consistently working more than 40 hours a week is simply unproductive.
Mother Sews Teddy Bears From Fallen Soldiers’ Uniforms For The Families They Left Behind
After losing her son Matthew Freeman to the war in Afghanistan, Lisa Freeman started creating teddy bears out of the uniforms of fallen soldiers to help other families cope with their tragedies. The proud mother founded the Matthew Bears, named after her departed son, and has been sewing the free-of-charge teddy bears for the families and friends of the fallen soldiers since 2009.
42 Of The Most Powerful Social And Environmental Ads That Will Change The Way You Think
No matter how tired and irritated we might be about the overwhelming flow of advertisements around us, social ads still manage to catch our attention and shock us pretty easily. It's no wonder, as issues of public interest, like our health, the environment, and human and animal rights, always strike a chord in our hearts and conscience.
Can we break free from the fear of missing out? – Jacob Burak – Aeon
What I Learned From Going Blind in Space
Chris Hadfield
5 Small Changes You Can Make to Be Way More Productive | TIME
Little changes, big results
100 Great Questions Every Entrepreneur Should Ask
Paul Graham, Jim Collins, Tony Hsieh, and other business leaders share the questions you should be asking if you want to improve your company.
Three Words You Shouldn't Say About Yourself | LinkedIn
Some thoughts from Adam Grant on how people have responded to Give and Take
For Brett Wilson of TubeMogul, It’s All in the Follow-Through - NYTimes.com
What 50 pounds of clay can teach you about design
The message here is to get started and fail a lot
Master's degrees are as common now as bachelor's degrees were in the '60s - Vox
Lots of interesting data on master's degrees over the last several decades
Quick Tip: Create custom perspectives with OmniFocus 2 for Mac
How to Let Your Purpose Find You - Umair Haque - Harvard Business Review
The Best Commencement Speeches, Ever
Amazing catalog of the best commencement speeches
Brown v. Board of Education 60th anniversary: America’s schools are segregating again.
Must Read: How to Train Your Mind to Think Critically and Form Your Own Opinions - ReadingPack
The United States of Metrics - NYTimes.com
Unquantifiable arenas like history and the arts are receding from public life, replaced by technology and statistics.
The 21 greatest graduation speeches of the last 50 years
Graduation speeches are the last opportunity for a high school or college to educate its students. It's unsurprising, then, that these institutions often pull in some of the world's most powerful people to leave an equally powerful impression on their students. Here are the best of those speeches and some of the sections that resonate the most.
Karen May of Google, on Conquering Fears of Giving Feedback - NYTimes.com
Vice president for people development at Google on nominating people for training
22 Of The Most Magical Bedroom Interiors For Kids
Cool bedrooms for kids