Farm Tours for Kids in Southern California

Dave's Library
How to Teach Kids to Be Grateful: Give Them Less - The Atlantic
Toys can help children learn to be thankful for what they have.
26 Ideas for Advent (with Sybil MacBeth)
Advent is a season of anticipation, of holy waiting . It is a waiting characterized not by idleness or even contented peace, but by prophetic yieldedness and active hope. Perhaps more than any other season in the Christian calendar, Advent acknowledges the already-and-not-yet nature of the Kingdom
Scholastic Storybook Treasures: Treasury of 50 Storybook Classics - Animal Antics and More! DVD - DVD - The Scholastic Store
Children’s Playground in Orange County | We Play Loud
We Play Loud is Orange County's most unique, safest & cleanest indoor playground in all of the OC! Rides your kids have never seen & will never forget!
Genius Dad Figures Out Way To Fill 37 Water Balloons In 20 Seconds