Dave's Library

Dave's Library

Seth's Blog: Prep, spec, fit and finish
Seth's Blog: Prep, spec, fit and finish
In some settings, more than 90% of the time and effort invested isn't in the actual 'work', but in getting setting up, debugging and then polishing the work. Heart surgery, for example, might take five hours to perform, but the...
Seth's Blog: Prep, spec, fit and finish
Time management is only making our busy lives worse - Quartz
Time management is only making our busy lives worse - Quartz
“Tess…started her way up the dark and crooked lane not made for hasty progress; a street laid out before inches of land had value, and when one-handed clocks sufficiently sub-divided the day.”  —Thomas Hardy Imagine your life without time, without a constant sense that you’re running behind, frustrated that yet again you are losing the...
Time management is only making our busy lives worse - Quartz