3 Types of Meetings — and How to Do Each One Well
The new work calendar isn’t about office or home, it’s about three meeting types and the conditions that serve them best. Transactional gatherings move work forward; relational gatherings strengthen connections; and adaptive gatherings help us address complex or sensitive topics. As transactional gatherings are easier to conduct online, relational and adaptive gatherings have become relatively scarce. Now is a great time to reintroduce and redesign these gatherings, as all had flaws even before the pandemic. The author outlines the best conditions for all three and explains why each needs to have its own space and place.
COVID-19 and Videoclassism: Implicit Bias, Videojudgment, and Why I’m Terrified to Have You Look Over My Shoulder
Just this week, I found myself leading an all-day webinar on antiracism for a group of over 100 Vermont educators. I was originally due to co-lead the session in person with the nation’s foremost expert on poverty, Dr.
The Future of Teamwork is VISUAL - Tim Sanders
As companies move to the “Talent Cloud,” the future of teamwork will be challenged. Conference calls fail. Consider a recent study by Intercall, which revealed what people are doing while on conference calls. Yikes! This segues nicely into the obligatory “some of the stranger places respondents admitted to being ...
Avoid Disastrous Decisions With These Four Meeting Practices
We want our team to speak up and tell us when they don't think things are going in the right direction. However, it's not that the courage to speak up is too low, it's that the barriers to speaking up are too high. Here are four practices.