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Triggers and cycles
Triggers and cycles
A trigger prompts a cycle. And a cycle might go on longer than it should. The first spoonful of ice cream can trigger a cycle of binge eating that you regret later. The silence of walking into an e…
Triggers and cycles
Throwing and catching | Seth's Blog
Throwing and catching | Seth's Blog
Seven years ago, I shared a secret about juggling: Throwing is more important than catching. If you’re good at throwing, the catching takes care of itself. Emergency response is overrated com…
Throwing and catching | Seth's Blog
Top 10 Smart Alternatives to TED Talks
Top 10 Smart Alternatives to TED Talks
TED talks are great, but there’s a point where they all seem too similar, or are just taxing to muddle through. If you’d still like to enjoy a smart, engaging talk now and again but you’ve had enough of TED, here are some alternative to boost your brain.
Top 10 Smart Alternatives to TED Talks