How Smart People Work Less and Get More Done | Dr. Travis Bradberry | Pulse | LinkedIn
Some people have an uncanny ability to get things done. They keep their nights and weekends sacred and still get more done than people who work 10 or 20 hours more per week than they do.
I'm Jason Fried, CEO of Basecamp, and This Is How I Work
Basecamp is a web-based project management tool, and like so many other software tools and startups before it, the creators of Basecamp made it for themselves. They just needed a decent way to manage projects and collaborations. It just happens that other people want to use it too.
Take breaks from focussed work to increase your productivity | Isabeau Iqbal | Pulse | LinkedIn
Until recently, this is what a typical workday looked like: upon arrival at the office my default was to check, and respond to, email. I then spent the remaining hours travelling in and out meetings (planned and spontaneous because I share an office and I cannot predict or control the conversations