Gender, education and work: The weaker sex | The Economist
“IT’S all to do with their brains and bodies and chemicals,” says Sir Anthony Seldon, the master of Wellington College, a posh English boarding school....
Men, This Is How to Become True Advocates for Women | Jacki Zehner | LinkedIn
On the front page of yesterday's New York Time's Business Section was an article called "Vivek Wadhwa, Voice for Women in Silicon Valley, Is Foiled by His Tone" by Farhad Manjoo, and needless to say, the headline caught my attention. It also raised immediate concern. The fact that there was a male voice for women in Silicon Valley? Awesome. He was foiled? Decidedly less awesome. Particularly because I have been waiting for a headline like this for forever. Not the foiled part, of course, but the part about male voices standing up for gender bias. I've dreamed of the day when I open