I'm Jason Fried, CEO of Basecamp, and This Is How I Work
Basecamp is a web-based project management tool, and like so many other software tools and startups before it, the creators of Basecamp made it for themselves. They just needed a decent way to manage projects and collaborations. It just happens that other people want to use it too.
A Runner, After Injury, Starts From Zero as a Swimmer - WSJ
Cristina Mariani-May, co-chief executive of family-owned Banfi Vintners, jumped right into an unfamiliar sport and learned the value of cross-training.
Joe Biden's Advice On Compassion And Family, In His Own Words : It's All Politics : NPR
"It's not all that difficult, folks, to be compassionate when you've been the beneficiary of compassion in your lowest moments," the vice president told Yale graduates in May.
Have you ever been asked how you do it all? Have you ever wondered how you do it all? Here's the answer. The real answer. Find more at http://findingjoy.net ...
This Company Eliminated E-mail…and Nothing Bad Happened - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
Super Casual Friday Last week, an article in the Washington Post caught my attention. It was titled, "At some start-ups, Friday is so casual that it's not
▶ Bill Murray Day @ TIFF: Bill Shares Personal Philosophy & his Cab Driver Story (Sep. 5, 2014) - YouTube
*CLOSED CAPTIONING AVAILABLE FOR THIS VIDEO CLIP* (Press "CC" icon) (Go to 2:48 for Bill Murray's cab driver story) The Q & A session featuring Bill Murray &...
Working hours: Proof that you should get a life | The Economist
DO YOU work too much? Last year we wrote a jolly piece that found an interesting correlation between working hours and output. With higher working hours, labour...