How about fixing the workplace rather than avoiding it at 4am?
Why Small Habits Make a Big Difference
James Clear
This is how to ask for help
Daniel Pink
Package Thief vs. Glitter Bomb Trap
This might be my Magnum Opus. Please see my comments below with regards to reports the video was partially faked. Go to and use...
This CEO thinks it's crazy to work more than 40 hours a week
Jason Fried, cofounder of Basecamp, a Web-based management tool to organize projects and teams, doesn't believe in working more than 40 hours a week.
Ever had that urge to just bail from a situation you were overwhelmed with?
“Ever had that urge to just bail from a situation you were overwhelmed with? This young boy decided that meeting the Queen was a little too much to handle, so he dropped to the floor and crawled away 😥😂👑 For more news and stories, head here:
Here Is What Jeff Bezos and Hospice Patients Say You Will Regret Most in Life
We all have regrets--opportunities we've missed and things we wish we'd done differently. What if we knew now what our biggest regrets would be and had the chance to avoid them? In a way, we do.
What Straight-A Students Get Wrong
Adam Grant
If Your Employees Aren’t Speaking Up, Blame Company Culture
People’s personalities matter, but not as much as workplace norms.
Workers are ghosting their employers like bad dates
These are the 5 ways to make your breaks more replenishing
Daniel Pink
How to Deal with Difficult People on Software Projects
Neil Green
One by one, the urgent goes away
Seth Godin
How to balance full-time work with creative projects
A guide to finding the right day job, protecting your time, and building creative habits by Jeffrey Silverstein. Illustrated by Sunny Eckerle.
To Get More Done, Focus on Environment, Expectations, and Examples
Make thoughtful, deliberate choices.
How vividly imagining your own death can help your next career move
Imagining what you would like to have said about you when you die could give you the blueprint for your future.
Colorado town overturns ban on snowball fights thanks to 9-year-old boy
Dane Best, who lives in the often snow-swept town of Severance, presented arguments at a town board meeting Monday night, and members voted unanimously to lift the ban
How to Be More Mindful at Work
David Gelles
This is how to talk to yourself
Daniel Pink
On Physician Burnout and the Plight of the Modern Knowledge Worker
Cal Newport
There’s Seldom Any Traffic on the High Road
When people are rude, our ego demands we respond in kind with a quick comeback or snide remark. If we give in, we might feel better in the short term, but pay a huge price in the long run. There’s a much better way to diffuse the situation, (and get what you want.)
Three Unexpected Reasons Why People Don't Ask Questions
Michael Bungay Stanier
The 7-Step Guide To Achieving Inbox Zero—And Staying There
Getting your email under control is the best thing you can do for your productivity. These strategies and tactics will make it happen.
This Mistake Dooms 75 Percent of TED Pitches, According to a TEDx Producer
A TED insider shares the most common mistakes that get pitches tossed in the "no" pile.
This is why many people don't love their jobs
Simon Sinek
Brené Brown on Blame
You are probably a bit of a blamer - most of us are. But why should we give it up? In this witty sequel to our most watched RSA Short, inspirational thinker ...
Encouraging diversity: Do we need to dial down the hierarchy?
Jeff Phipps
The three traits Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella looks for in leaders
His advice for leaders happens to double as life advice for anyone.
How Do You Respond When The Worst Happens?
Learning without doing
It’s certainly possible. But it’s unlikely you could learn to ride a bike by watching a lot of videos about it. Or teach a toddler to walk. In fact, it’s unlikely that you could l…