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185. Stop Using the E Word
185. Stop Using the E Word
organizational health, teams, teamwork, teambuilding, online assessment, team assessment, team effectiveness, team survey, team field guide, executive team, offsite facilitation, executive consulting, Lencioni keynote speaker, team video
185. Stop Using the E Word
Finding the glitch
Finding the glitch
Many moths are attracted to light. That works fine when it’s a bright moon and an open field, but not so well for the moths if the light was set up as a bug trap.
Finding the glitch
Why Your Inner Circle Should Stay Small, and How to Shrink It
Why Your Inner Circle Should Stay Small, and How to Shrink It
We live in a time when “bigger is better” is the prevailing assumption when it comes to, well, just about anything. So it’s only natural for us to want to supersize our network of connections — both online and off — because the more people we know, the greater our chances of being exposed to opportunities that may lead to professional advancement, potential mentors, material success, and so on. But in fact, being what we call a “superconnector” has nothing to do with supersizing your network. Rather, it’s about surrounding yourself with a carefully curated group of people who you admire and respect and with whom you share common beliefs and values — people who will set the tone for the foundation of your larger network filled with people who provide value to one another. And that core group should be a lot smaller than you think.
Why Your Inner Circle Should Stay Small, and How to Shrink It
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If it were up to you, where would you opt to work? As of August 2023, over half (54%) of American employees work mostly onsite, only a quarter work remotely… | 332 comments on LinkedIn
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4 Phrases That Build a Culture of Curiosity
4 Phrases That Build a Culture of Curiosity
Curiosity is a powerful practice to infuse into a company’s culture. But managers often limit their definition of curiosity to simply a way to get information. Curiosity, though, can be a more expansive practice — it is a force for connection. We need to move away from “shallow curiosity” and embrace “deep curiosity,” where you unearth stories, values, experiences, and feelings. When conversations go beneath the surface in this way, it can strengthen work relationships, foster a better understanding of yourself as a leader, and help you to navigate conflict or anxiety in the office. Curiosity is an exceptionally effective tool that leaders have to lead diverse teams in an increasingly complex time filled with technological advancements and an ever-changing cultural pulse. But they need to do so intentionally. Four key phrases can help in this pursuit: “I don’t know,” “Tell me more,” “I understand that you’re more than your job,” and “Who else?”
4 Phrases That Build a Culture of Curiosity
What Is Psychological Safety?
What Is Psychological Safety?
What exactly is psychological safety? It’s a term that’s used a lot but is often misunderstood. In this piece, the author answers the following questions with input from Harvard Business School professor Amy Edmondson, who coined the phrase “team psychological safety”: 1) What is psychological safety? 2) Why is psychological safety important? 3) How has the idea evolved? 4) How do you know if your team has it? 5) How do you create psychological safety? 6) What are common misconceptions?
What Is Psychological Safety?
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On #thursdaythoughts, we are focusing in on the most important habit of a great manager. Drum roll please…this habit is having one meaningful conversation per…
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The Toxic Effects of Branding Your Workplace a “Family”
The Toxic Effects of Branding Your Workplace a “Family”
When it comes to conversations about our workplace, it’s no surprise that a deeply personal element comes into play. You spend most of your waking hours at work and share moments in that time that few outside of your coworkers have context and understanding to. So it only makes sense that the organizations’ culture and the relationships you build at work can mirror those you find within a family context. But what happens when you don’t have the right elements in place and a company masks their shortcomings and instills a false sense of belonging by touting a culture that works like a “family?”
The Toxic Effects of Branding Your Workplace a “Family”
How Opinions About Hybrid Work Differ Around the Globe
How Opinions About Hybrid Work Differ Around the Globe
Although remote and hybrid work have been widespread for several years now, debates about the benefits and perils of these more flexible ways of working continue. A key reason is differing perspectives on how to prioritize necessary trade-offs. While much has been much written about the different perspectives of leaders and employees, one dimension that has received relatively little attention is if and how perceptions of hybrid work differ across geographies. In new research, the authors found some important differences leaders of global organizations and teams need to be aware of and act on.
How Opinions About Hybrid Work Differ Around the Globe
Making the Case for the Resources Your Team Needs
Making the Case for the Resources Your Team Needs
Advocating for resources goes beyond the act of getting a “yes” to acquire more tools, personnel, or funds. It represents a deep commitment to your team’s success. It shows those you lead that you’re someone who understands their challenges, values their efforts, and is willing to champion their needs. Plus, with more resources at your disposal, your team can work more efficiently, innovate more effectively, and deliver higher-quality results, directly contributing to the bottom line. In this article, the author offers tips to help you make a compelling case.
Making the Case for the Resources Your Team Needs