Leaders ask for feedback - Leadership Notes
The other day I said to my boss, “After this is over, I’d like to sit down and talk thru where I made mistakes or where I made all of this harder than it should have been.” Fifteen years ago I would have never said that. It would have been a request to have someone … Leaders ask for feedback CONTINUE READING
4 Steps for Dealing with Self-Doubt - RiShawn Biddle
It’s natural to feel like an imposter sometimes. But don’t dwell on your self-doubt. Instead, the solution is to recognize your feelings as a healthy part of your professional and personal development, realize that other successful people feel the same way, understand that you already have the strengths needed, and use this fear as a […]
'Be The First Domino': Advice From The Most Connected Man In Business
Most people are kept from success because they are lazy in their relationships. Specifically, they engage in relationships primarily for the help they will receive, not the help they can give. In this article, I detail the super-connector, Joe Polish's "Magic Rapport Formula."
(1) Joy is the Leading Indicator | LinkedIn
How do you know when trouble is on the horizon in your organization? What are the tell-tale signs, the canaries in the coal mine, if you will? When I was a young management consultant, conventional wisdom said that a leading indicator was something easily measurable like rising inventory or declini