Pinkcast 1.7: How to decide whether to say yes or no. | Daniel H. Pink
Introducing Guiding Hands - CONAN on TBS - YouTube
Kiss, Bow, Or Shake Hands: The Bestselling Guide to Doing Business in More Than 60 Countries: 0045079703681: Business Communication Books @
Do Your Friends Actually Like You? - The New York Times
Recent research suggests that only about half of perceived friendships are mutual.
To Be a Better Leader, Learn This FBI Hostage Negotiation Tactic — The Mission — Medium
Before getting to yes, strive for “that’s right.”
Henry Ford and the Actual Value of Education
Leadership Nudge 112 - Millennials in the Workplace - YouTube
David Marquet
Derek Redmond at Barcelona 1992 | Countdown to Rio 2016 - YouTube
Stop Making Gratitude All About You
The whole point is to focus on the other person.
The American Scholar: Solitude and Leadership - William Deresiewicz
If you want others to follow, learn to be alone with your thoughts
How loneliness generates empathy and shapes identity | Aeon Essays
Loneliness is hell: debilitating yet formative. Can we avoid the pains of loneliness yet enjoy the pleasures of solitude?
Chris R. Chapman on Twitter
“Swing for the fences...”
The Look & Sound of Leadership: Taming Meetings
The Incalculable Value of Finding a Job You Love - The New York Times
To be happy, research suggests, earning a high salary isn’t enough. Once you have met your basic needs, satisfaction comes from developing an expertise.
What Most CEOs Get Wrong About Becoming "Thought Leaders" | Fast Company | Business + Innovation
The term may make you grit your teeth, but “thought leadership” can be more than just another bland marketing strategy.
15 Funny Pinterest Baby Photoshoots Gone Wrong
Inspired by the great baby photographs on Pinterest, these parents decided to repeat some of the more popular shots with their little darlings. Can you tell a difference?
Pilot Goes Above The Thunderstorm And Captures A Perfect Photo Of It At 37,000 Feet
Night flights usually lack beautiful scenery, but as Ecuador Airlines pilot Santiago Borja proves that's not always the case. A couple of weeks back he managed to snap one of the most amazing shots of lightning crossing the thunderstorm clouds over 37,000 feet above the Pacific Ocean just south of Panama.
Bobby McFerrin Demonstrates the Power of the Pentatonic Scale - YouTube
Bobby McFerrin demonstrates the power of the pentatonic scale, using audience participation, at the event "Notes & Neurons: In Search of the Common Chorus". ...
What Happened When I Lived by Dale Carnegie's Rules | SUCCESS
3 Rules For Fighting Fair in the Office |
Without healthy conflict, your team is probably underperforming.
What Great Listeners Actually Do
It’s about more than keeping quiet.
Misconceptions About Leadership and Management
John Kotter
Why Good Storytellers Are Happier in Life and in Love - WSJ
Studies find the way people tell their own stories has an outsize effect on their life satisfaction.
Are Women Better Decision Makers?
Therese Huston
Managing the High-Intensity Workplace
An “always available” culture breeds a variety of dysfunctional behaviors.
Five Essential Questions to ask Yourself
Harvard graduation speed by James Ryan
Conquering Fear – Essential Communications
The 7 Differences Between Professionals and Amateurs — Medium
Why is it So Hard to Stick to Good Habits? | James Clear
How can we have the best intentions to become better, and yet still see so little progress?