Seth's Blog: Like riding a bike
Kids Should Get Outside 3 Hours Every Day, Expert Says & Here's How To Make It Happen
Today, kids have more ways to be entertained than ever before: there are all kinds of toys, gadgets, and gizmos that can keep tots occupied for hours on end. The more mobile-friendly of these past times can be played with just about anywhere: from a…
Why It’s So Hard to Admit You’re Wrong - The New York Times
Our confirmation bias kicks in, causing us to seek out evidence to prove what we already believe.
Mean Bosses Make Themselves Miserable, Too – Association for Psychological Science
Powerful people who engaged in abusive behavior directed at employees paid the price later with lowered well-being.
The psychological importance of wasting time — Quartz
A life spent dutifully responding to emails is a dull one indeed. And “wasted” time is, in fact, highly fulfilling and necessary.
50 Example Mission Statements - Top Nonprofits
Mission Statement (What You Do): A one-sentence statement describing the reason an org exists, used to guide decisions, priorities, and actions.
How introverts can successfully manage extroverts - The Globe and Mail
This column is part of Globe Careers’ Leadership Lab series, where executives and experts share their views and advice about leadership and management. Follow us at @Globe_Careers Find all Leadership Lab stories at
Why Retirement Is a Dirty Word - Michael Hyatt
Every Color Of Cardigan Mister Rogers Wore From 1979–2001
Malcolm Gladwell Says This Is the 1 Stunning Thing People Get Wrong in Trying to Be a Success |
So many people think this is the best route. It isn't.
When You Get Fired or Fail Big, This is How You Bounce Forward | Adam Grant | Pulse | LinkedIn
Growing up in New Zealand, where there are twenty times as many sheep as people, Sarah Robb O’Hagan wanted to be a veterinarian. When poor grades in science crushed that dream, she decided to see the world.
Why Do So Many Managers Avoid Giving Praise?
It’s at least as essential as criticism.
Sheryl Sandberg: How to Build Resilient Kids, Even After a Loss - The New York Times
After my husband’s death, I set out to learn everything I could about how kids persevere through adversity.
United Airlines Is a Broken Company. But It's Always Been That Way |
In order to move forward, the airline must consider these fundamental questions.
Talking like a TED Talker - Essential Communications
Jeff Bezos explains the perfect way to make risky business decisions - Business Insider
Bezos plans to keep his 300,000-employee company running like a startup by making faster decisions.
How Elon Musk Learns Faster And Better Than Everyone Else
3 Ways to Better Understand Your Emotions
Naming them is an important first step.
Introverts tend to be better CEOs — and other surprising traits of top-performing executives - The Washington Post
Mentor People Who Aren’t Like You
It takes a concentrated effort, but it’s good for the organization.
If You're Comfortable, You're Not Leading
Being comfortable is also dangerous. That’s when we start to plateau — and that’s when we need to find our next challenge.
JK Rowling: How to deal with failure — Quartz
Deep Work: The Secret to Achieving Peak Productivity
A new book says focusing intensely without distractions on a cognitively demanding task leads to peak productivity.
Try an Internal Press Release before starting new Products
Learn how Amazon works backwards from the customer, rather than starting with an idea for a product
The Week in Review - A simple strategy for connecting with your team
One of the biggest challenges leading a group of developers is keeping the team updated on everything that I can see. As time flies by in meeting after meeting it is easy to forget that I am the eyes and ears for those on my team. Until recently I had
The Voice of Authority - Essential Communications
Racial Identity in the Classroom - Teaching in Higher Ed
Marriage Tips - Date Night vs Meeting Night
Date night is so last year. What you ought to want is a meeting night. It may not be the sexiest concept, but listen up: This couple swears it's the way to guarantee true happiness, long term.
To Be a Genius, Think Like a 94-Year-Old - The New York Times
We assume that creativity and innovation belong to the young. We’re wrong.
The Arrival of Artificial Intelligence – Stratechery by Ben Thompson
What is artificial intelligence? Is it really any different than technology? In my estimation machine learning is truly something new, and the effects on society will be significant.